Dear God Almighty please help the 46th ward Candidates now.

alderman Helen Shiller.jpg Today was another day for making a small matter a big deal. I received a couple of phone calls on the funny business in the 46th ward. Many of the last elections were great for State Representatives and Chicago Alderman because there was a quid pro quo. The mortgage market was fueled by corruption and false promises by lenders and borrowers alike. The Chicago Alderman allowed changes to the zoning and made many contractors millionaires. Many of those builders have returned back to Europe with the money or are stuck with unfinished buildings. When election times were close, the collection plates were full, intimidating potential rivals. In fact, many wards have a family business in politics which made themselves and their families very wealthy. I was happy to find competition in the 46th ward because of the unprofessional behavior by that ward office today. Simply put, I asked for Ms. Davis at the 46th ward office, identified myself, and she hung up. I was confirming a story about a member of her family. I called back, than her staff kept me on hold for about a half an hour, on purpose, and then a POLICE OFFICER answered. He was told I am harassing Ms. Davis!!! The police officer was very nice, I remembered him from a couple of on the job incidents, I told him I was a member of the press and that was the end of the conversation. I was very glad I had a witness during the entire episode. I think Helen Shiller runs a three ring circus in the 46th ward and the funny business by her staff is very unprofessional. None of her staff would give me their name. If you are a candidate for office in the 46th ward please contact me at Chicago Clout. I got a great story for your campaign literature. A really, really great story!!!

2 Replies to “Dear God Almighty please help the 46th ward Candidates now.”

  1. Deluding yourself into thinking that you are a “member of the press” does not make you one. There is a certainty dignity to the press as it does not concern itself with mud-slinging and offering black-mail to others. (Response) Why are Alderman/women retiring? The press always gives both sides a chance to respond. Ignorance is always rewarded in kind.

  2. Uhh…Helen Shiller’s not running, so you don’t have much for the candidates. The whole campaign for the past 20 years has been an anti-Shiller platform.

    i don’t expect a strong turnout for the 46th…at least for the aldermanic race…more for the mayor. Maybe.

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