Chicago Residency Double Standard and Contact Deals

Chicago Department of Water Management Vendors.jpg
Patrick McDonough was fired on April 1, 2005 for Alleged Chicago Residency Violations. While searching for a job, Patrick scoured the internet to get a handle on the real Chicago Water Department Scandals. The Chicago Sun-Time’s “Clout on Wheels” series showed quite a few hired truck contractors did not reside inside the Chicago city limits. The Chicago residency rules are to keep money and white workers in the city. Are Chicago vendors exempt from this rule but use phony addresses to appear in compliance? This picture is of a Non-union company. Chicago Transmission companies are getting screwed. The company pictured is Suburban Transmission, 1500 Rand Road Des Plaines, Illinois 60016. I have many pictures of Chicago Revenue, Streets and Sanitation, sewer and Aviation trucks at this company located in the suburbs. James Fato (part owner) base contract is $18,270.00, he has been paid $271,092.56. Chicago Taxpayers and Transmission Companies get shafted. Go to Left Center Left for Residency Rules. We want union companies in Chicago doing city work. Photo by Patrick McDonough.

3 Replies to “Chicago Residency Double Standard and Contact Deals”

  1. Does Brian Murphy know about that, and they fire people living outside the city? Crazy. Peter.

  2. Are they the same Fato as Cheryl Fato? They are tied in to Pesche in Des Plaines Illinois and Wood Dale. Connected.

  3. yes,I belive they are either related or good friends.I belive they have a flower shop located in Desplaines IL,on River road.maybe ill have to let Dave savine,my good friend know about this .what do you think?

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