James T. Smith is Executive Director of S.O.W. Youth Outreach, inc. Located at 4320 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois 60624 James is very interested in making like better in his community. To learn more about what we can do to make life better in chicago for the less fortunate, please go to sowyouthoutreach.tripod.com or E-mail taftjam@aol.com Office number 1-773-626-1451 Photo by Patrick McDonough
La Donna Tittle CAN-TV Chicago Sarah McDonough
Chicago Legendary Radio / TV Host / Producer / Actress / Voiceovers was at CAN-TV rehearsal with Sarah McDonough a famous actress. La Donna Tittle’s cooking show can be seen on Channel 19 in Chicago on Thursday and Friday. E-mail La Donna Tittle at: tittleinthemiddle@hotmail.com Photo by Patrick McDonough
Frank Coconate's Kangaroo Court
Frank Coconate’s Hearing with the Chicago Department of Human Resources is almost at a standstill. It started in May of 2006 and will restart in the last week of July 2005. Jumpy the Kangaroo was there to explain to Mr. Coconate, ” If the fix ain’t in, you will go to Circuit Court”. Mayor Daley’s staff would not return calls. I asked how much this is costing taxpayers with a chicago commissioner (Murphy) in two days of testimony instead of cleaning out corruption? Chicago Department of Water Management should use resources better. Photo by the Chicago Mob.
Victor Crown, Miriam Santos, Chicago Board of Ethics
On May 5, 2006, I was with Victor Crown as he picked up another batch of court ordered exculpatory evidence material affecting the Miriam Santos Case. We were at the Chicago Board (Bored) of Ethics building in Chicago. Why is Victor Crown so happy? I know Victor is the one person in the City of Chicago that can squeeze evidence from a rock. Victor Crown is assisting me in my case. Victor Crown is a friend of mine. I will give him a clout rating after he is done in Federal Court. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Frank Avila Lada Santodomingo Telemundo
On May 4, 2006, after a long day in court, an exahsted Frank Avila had an interview with Telemundo. Lada Santodomingo wanted to know about the election results and what Frank Avila had in mind to correct the Ballot mess in Chicago. Frank Avila speaks fluent Spanish and is a great help to Chicago City Workers that have less than perfect language skills. (Frank Avila speaks many languages). Lada has much Clout in the Chicago Spanish Community. Lada Clout Rating: Yes, Got Clout. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Chicago Frank Coconate Hearing May 4, 2006
Pictured is Frank Coconate, J. Terrence Brunner, and Frank Avila. Today was a long day for Chicago Department of Water Management Commissioner Brian Murphy. As I sum up the testimony, I attempt to take into account what is in the Chicago Taxpayer best interest. After reviewing the last two days testimony of Brian Murphy, I cannot see how this made the Department any better. I think this hearing just brought more attention to it, and provided more liability to the Chicago Taxpayer. This hearing is dragging on for months and months, which is not good for anyone. The two Chicago Lawyers (Kerry Jewell and Lee Ferron) were drinking bottled water and gave bottled water to Brian Murphy. Murphy’s assistant was in back with me drinking bottled Crystal Geyser. Dasani and Crystal Geyser were chosen. Patrick McDonough was drinking good old Chicago Tap Water as I did not want to get fired like a Miller truck driver drinking a budweiser!!! Photo by Patrick McDonough
Alderman Burke and Frank Avila
At a fund raiser, Frank Avila and Alderman Burke were two magnets. Burke has done well with his wife’s promotion to a high ranking judge position. Fran Spielman (Chicago Sun-Times) wrote a story on May 3, 2006 that was really fair. I will say on the record, Burke is the best dressed man in Chicago. Alderman, please, how much money do you need? I am against double dipping. Alderman Burke: Clout and lots of it. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Chicago Residency Double Standard and Contact Deals
Patrick McDonough was fired on April 1, 2005 for Alleged Chicago Residency Violations. While searching for a job, Patrick scoured the internet to get a handle on the real Chicago Water Department Scandals. The Chicago Sun-Time’s “Clout on Wheels” series showed quite a few hired truck contractors did not reside inside the Chicago city limits. The Chicago residency rules are to keep money and white workers in the city. Are Chicago vendors exempt from this rule but use phony addresses to appear in compliance? This picture is of a Non-union company. Chicago Transmission companies are getting screwed. The company pictured is Suburban Transmission, 1500 Rand Road Des Plaines, Illinois 60016. I have many pictures of Chicago Revenue, Streets and Sanitation, sewer and Aviation trucks at this company located in the suburbs. James Fato (part owner) base contract is $18,270.00, he has been paid $271,092.56. Chicago Taxpayers and Transmission Companies get shafted. Go to Left Center Left for Residency Rules. We want union companies in Chicago doing city work. Photo by Patrick McDonough.
Chicago Portable Concrete Mixers The Bridgeport Cut #1
Welcome to “The Bridgeport Cut”. The Bridgeport Cut is the way contracts are done in Chicago to assure Mayor Daley and John Daley’s Home Turf gets a piece of the pie. I will have many stories about Bridgeport and the way things are done to keep Bridgeport businesses, politicians, and families a step ahead. I am not saying fraud is involved. Many contractors are asked to bid on projects, services, and supplies in Chicago. Vendors are asked to supply bids through certain vendors instead of dealing directly with the City of Chicago. This does not save taxpayers any money, it costs millions more every year. The mobile cement mixers were added through Standard Truck Center, the base bid is at least double. Bridgeport’s Standard Truck does millions of dollars in open ended contracts. I am for the mixers and the jobs they provide, but at what cost? Photo by Patrick McDonough