The Teamster Union Members working at the Department of Water Management have been fighting tooth and nail to defend work rules and Union Agreements. Chicago’s management has been ignoring rules and laws for many years. High profile actions by Patrick McDonough and William Underschultz pushed back Daley’s gestapo actions numerous times and forced the Illinois Department of Labor to look closer at the horrific working conditions. Illinois Department of Labor Again cited Chicago for unsanitary conditions, due to the possibility of staff infections from the new time clocks just installed. (see prior posts). Report No. C-S-2007-0185-LCI. I suggest a class action lawsuit and recommend all city workers to file a workman’s compensation claim every time you get sick. Paper work in route to FEDS. Remember Chicago, you must post all violations in a conspicuous place, have you? Please watch us on Can-tv tonight at 7:00 p.m. channel 21. Patrick McDonough.