I name thee the Richard M. Daley Bar. I was working in the 4500 Block of South McDowell and I came upon a building that had no address or name. I called the Chicago Buildings Department and asked if a building must have a address visible and if a place of business must have the name of the business clearly displayed. The Inspector said yes. I found many Chicago Employees driving City Vehicles attending the establishment after working hours. This place of business has “Fashion Shows” a source informed me. Question 1. Should Chicago Employees use Chicago Vehicles to visit such Places? 2. Should I give the list of plates and pictures of the 11th Ward attendees to the press now or just before the Mayoral Election? Photo by Patrick McDonough.
13 Replies to “The "Mayor Richard M. Daley Bar" ?”
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You asked a building department inspector about city rules? That’s hilarious. You can get just as accurate information from any random first grader at a playground.
Are the girls in the fashion shows any good?
Yes that’s right, This establishment if you will is used for rest and relaxation for us guys after work. I’ve been there, Its a Daley bar you can also find Frank Coconate there pimping out the fashion show girls. After all he has to make money some how.
How do “private clubs” like this exist? Obviously liquor is involved–what about a license? Do the patrons have their own keys to get in?
Does Jan Peska’s son go there now that he can’t molest women as a police officer?
Does Frank Coconate pimp out Jan?
I have seen this establishment in operation for over 16 years. I say give the pictures too the media before the election. Chicago is the most corrupt Big City in the Nation.
I’m curious as to who the owner of the property is? Who’s name/what corporation name is the tax bill under?
I heard the fashion show girls are pre-op transexsuals, but they put on one hell of a show.
I say just post the owner’s info. If someone is off work its their own time. Now if they are on city clock EXPOSE THEM. But if someone is stopping off after working that’s their business.
Its a Gay Bar, That’s why Coconate hangs out there. SAY OH YEH AND GRAB YOUR ANKLES FRANKIE BOY!!!!!
you must be a fag
Go to the media with this Pat, Post this place and people attending it all over the news …..I know you can pull this one off too. Good job Pat. I’m interested in hearing/seeing more about this. This is silly and very corrupt.
So, I see this thread started in 2006 but have not heard anything on the news about it. Where is this place located? Are we starting a myth here?