Mary O'Connor Chicago 41st Ward for Committeeman

Mary O'Connor 41st Ward Chicago.jpg
Today I had the pleasure of meeting the owner of a fine Irish business. Mary O’Connor is running for 41st Ward Committeeman in Chicago. I have been to her establishment many times when I worked for the City of Chicago Department of Water Management in the North District. The O’Connor’s have a great work ethic. Mary is a very important part of the 41st Ward. She is committed to Chicago City Workers. There seems to be much tension in the race. I left a check to help achieve her goal. Her opponent has not contacted me. Good Luck Mary. Please go to her website Photo by Patrick McDonough.

11 Replies to “Mary O'Connor Chicago 41st Ward for Committeeman”

  1. Mary is the choice of all Chicago Democrats. She has the support of all 41st ward residents. She is a classy lady and help her residents have a better life.

  2. Mary is a lifelong resident of the 41st Ward, having grown up in Norwood Park
    she attended Immaculate Conception grammar school and Resurrection High

    For over seventeen years Mary has owned and operated Unforgettable
    Edibles Catering, O’Connor’s Deli and Market, and Blackthorn Manor Banquet
    Hall in Edison Park. Mary has been fortunate to employ many neighborhood
    family members.

    Mary O’Connor was recently elected to a sixth term as the President of the
    Edison Park Chamber of Commerce.

    Mary is also a co-founder of the annual Edison Park Turkey Trot which has
    generated over $200,000 for worthy charitable causes. She is also a member of the Edison Park Community Council and worked on implementing the local scholarship program and many beautification and landscaping projects.

  3. Mary is a very nice lady running a clean campaign. The Chicago Police and Chicago Fire Departments support her wholehartedly.
    GO MARY GO !!!

  4. O’Connor has to this point voted in ONE Democratic Primary in her life. She has been put up by the Republican State Rep & Committeeman and the Republican Alderman of the ward. She is unfit for this office.

    (Randall) Who do you suggest?

  5. How do you get away with living in ^%$planes and still work for the city?Where is the residency law?Maybe I should turn is coruption to the Inspector Genrals office.I have pictures,And an adress.1964 @#^$%.Am I right?Be you I am.Hey pat wheres our Chritmas party list that we threw in the dumpster?

  6. ALLWAYS willing to listen and come up with ideas. A to the point person that GET THINGS DONE ! Go get em Mary

  7. I thought this was Mary O’Connor from the Alderman of the 40th ward. Only because the political sign looks like a 40th ward sign. Could this be a political tactic? Good luck.

  8. He’s back
    Brock Merck needs your vote for 41st ward Alderman. The incredible story of his fight against corruption and sabotage in Chicago is not in theaters, but that’s what makes the outcome even more exciting. He’s one of us out to help all of us.
    • St. Mary of the Woods graduate / Eagle Scout (His 3 children currently attend SMOW.)
    • Loyola Academy graduate
    • Loyola University Chicago graduate (Business Administration / R.O.T.C.)
    • Infantry Officer- Afghanistan (Bronze Star)
    • Law Enforcement Officer- Chicago (13 years and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge-7 Unit Rep.)
    • Small business owner/operator involved in retail and light manufacturing. (Starvin’ Artist)
    • Married and a lifelong Wildwood resident

    The question becomes… O.K., it looks like he’s got what it takes, but what is he going to do differently?
    • Reduce his salary as Alderman on day 1 by 30%. Aldermen get paid way too much! It’s supposed to be public service not a full buffet at the trough.
    • Relocate the ward office to city owned property, thus saving rental expense.
    • Evaporate the Alderman’s $73,280.00 personal expense account. Can you say CTA?
    • Weekly public meetings rotated throughout the ward addressing current issues. That alone shows that he will not hide like a mouse from controversial decisions.
    The answer is that Brock Merck is the cowboy ready to rustle with the political hacks that have betrayed our trust. He despises the patronage and entitlement mindset that has placed our city into financial and social meltdown. He will not be bought off by special interest as he does not accept any campaign contributions. He will go to the mat against the current CPS policy that penalizes our 41st ward children with entrance into gifted programs. He will be the alderman with the lowest costs and loudest voice concerning our suburb in the city.
    Brock Merck
    Aldermanic candidate 41st ward

    *Please copy and distribute to other parts of our ward for campaign momentum.

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