Car damaged by hole created by water main break
September 23, 2008
A car was damaged after partially falling into a hole created by a water main break in the North Side Albany Park neighborhood Tuesday afternoon.
City Department of Water Management spokesman Tom LaPorte said crews remain on the scene as of 5:45 p.m. repairing the damage near the intersection of Lawrence and Western avenues, where an 8-inch water main broke earlier Tuesday afternoon.
“When the main broke, the water undermined the pavement and soil and created a hole,” LaPorte said. There was a car parked near the hole and it partially fell into the hole. How badly the car was damaged was unknown, because it had already been towed away before city crews arrived, he said. Traffic was slowed but not stopped in the area late Tuesday afternoon, LaPorte said, and no water customers were affected by the break. He had no time estimate for the repairs. Thank God Patrick McDonough was there to shut of the water main. Nice job boss! Photo by Patrick McDonough
18 Replies to “Welcome to Chicago Water main starts to swallow a car in Chicago”
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Hey Patrick what is your job title plumber or public affairs officer. You get paid to work, not take pictures of yourself to congradulate yourself working or loafing on the job.
By the way a little birdy in DHR said that the City assignes numbers to each job title and one next to your name on the Clout List is for Plumbing Inspector. As I recall not everyone on that list got the job. So at the very least you were trying to use clout to get a better job? Illegal now and Illegal then.
Oh and as you so often show, nobody has to prove anything. Just make the charge whether true or not as in you do everytime you blog.
(Response) My job is to give the taxpayers a good and fair bang for the buck. We have problems at the Department of Water Management and I am addressing them the best I can. I document my work and other items so I can preserve my job. Why do you never have any suggestions to make Chicago run better? Why?
How come Tom LaPorte still has a job? There is a job for a professional liar?
How come Maureen Egan is not disbarred? Egan hurt a lot of people and she will be in a special place in hell for lawyers and those who hurt people unecessarily. Maureen Egan is a liar and political hitman.
How come Jon Zander is still on the job?
He is an evil man.
(Response) Tom Laporte will never give me an answer unless I FOIA the request. Tom Laporte has mismanaged and understaffed the FOIA department so bad it takes months to get a request. Tom Laporte knows I am a member of the press and he said so. I think someone told him to shut me down. I also think there are so many lawsuits, they cannot get a grip on the problems. I made a FOIA on John Zander and I hear things like John Zander got busted being an extra in the Batman movie on city time, or John Zander was thrown under the bus to protect his boss. We will have John tell his story under oath soon and then we will know. Now we hear John Zander has health issues. Maureen Egan situation will be resolved when all the people suing the Department of Water Management get their day in court. That is the process and we should respect it. I changed your name to Brain, nice try!
That is where you are confused; you stated “My job is to give the taxpayers a good and fair bang for the buck.” No it is not, your job is what your title says it is. If you are a plumber, then do plumbing work. You say in your next post that you are a journalist, if that is true and this website is your media that you represent, then being that you get paid advertising from CBS and Google hits on the home page makes you an employee of this website. You take pictures on your down time with the city or update the website via a remote connection on city time, and then you just participated in working two jobs at the same time while on the City payroll. Thanks for admitting that you work both of these jobs.
To answer the underlying question that many people post: Is he qualified for the promotion that he did not get. The answer is obviously NO.
Pat you continuously fail to answer the simple question of what drove you to apply with the city. Your response was “I applied for a position at the City of Chicago because I thought I could make a difference and improve the Water Department.” You applied for a position with the city as skilled labor, NOT MANAGEMENT. The extent of improvements should only be limited to the scope of your job. No more, no less.
Keep posting blogs, for I find them entertaining, but not informative. I wish the real people that work beside you would post the complete stories about your work.
Lastly, when are you going to post the unedited video that shows all the questions asked to Tomsak, by all the attorneys? As a journalist, censorship only shows your bias.
(Response) I am not going to have a trial with you on this website. I allow you to post because you are entertaining.
Jon Zander is uglier than the joker. He is an evil hitman that hurts families.
He is political and has done illegal things.
To have a Jon Zander working at the city in discipline is a joke.
(Response) Easy with the posts. John used to jog around 39th and ashland during his employment with he city.
Jon Zander is a ghost payroller.
Jon Zander is part of a criminal conspiracy.
Jon Zander plays politics.
(Response) easy with the hating dude.
Byrnes and Obsessed: It should be readily apparent that Patrick posesses abilities beyond the scope of his job description. He should be considered for promotion.
The ability to write, document, multitask, and computer literacy are integral skills needed as a plumbing inspector in addition to technical prowress.
Pat has proven the ability to testify in court when needed as well for the position.
Obviously you two trolls are staunch defenders of the status quo. How many universities and private companies have clout lists floating around Jack? Do they rig test results as well?
If it aint broke, dont fix it Pat. However here are a few suggestions,
Since the City has a huge budget gap I say any new city hires after 12/31/08 shouldhave a 401K instead of the defined benefot pension which cost tax payers to much. Many employees in the real world have 401K. We can grandfather everty current employee except for you. You can make you own investments so you can either pat yourself on the back on this blog or go broke.
I also make all city employeees at will so we dont need this I have to get disciplined 50 times before I get fired crap. Sonext time you screw up and you will you be out of a job.
We can also make all Plumbers eith keep your prevailing rate but no guarantee year round job just as needed in the real world or take at 15% pay cut for year round employment.
Lets see I also make it illegal for City employees to file 1000 of FOI request in retaliation for their supervisors making them work.
I also make Pat admit he lives in the USA and his name is on the clout list which it is.
‘obsessed with daley’ is daley.
Only daley could have thoughts so perverse, so bent and twisted, and be so proud of them.
Pat you are getting desperate and now changing my post . I said I also make Pat admits he lives in the suburbs but you changes that to USA.
Just goes to show you can dish it ourt but cant take it. Anytime someone challanges you, you cant put up with the heat. You harass any supervisor in your department that makes you work but FOI, pulling other documents etc.
You are a bully pat but since most peoople could swap you down with out any effort your resort to hiding behing that you are a whistle blower and fighting curruption but yet you are oly out for your own interest and self promotions. As you said in this post you are the boss, so why dont you just fire yourself and do the city a great fabor.
(Response) Do the world a favor and I will quit right after you.
Obsessed: I’m sure that the Daleyites would like to have employment at will so they could silence their critics. Toddler Stroger is doing just that at the County with his confidentiality agreements.
These are public jobs and the taxpayers have a right to know how their money is being spent.
First, how about recruiting effective managers that know how to lead people? Consensus builders (were all part of a team) rather than dictators (we can do whatever we want).
True leaders have personal power, expert power and title power. They inspire and guide those under them. Most of the City managers, there are few I’d actually call leaders, have to rely strictly on title power because they aren’t experts (clout promotions) and their personal power is limited as well (poor people skills, clout promotions).
I’ve found, over many years, that the majority of City managers rely strictly on title power and are bullies. They have no conceptualization on how to lead.
We had four men promoted a couple of years ago. Two of them had similar backgrounds and were assigned to graveyard.
One is well liked and people would jump through a ring of fire for him. The other one became such a jerk that his boss had to go on graveyard to intervene in the labor unrest.
The City should focus on recruiting effective leaders.
Both of them get their work done, but it should be apparent who the leader is.
The city could benefit by providing leadership training and stipulating what behavior is acceptable in their managerial ranks. Strict martinets with an agenda need not apply.
Pat stick and stones and you did not address the issye of changing (not censuring) my previous post.
Oh and Scrootined, Managersans supervisors are being held accountable. They have to answer and not say I am a whistleblower and you are picking on me like certain plumbers in the Water Department are doing.
You forgot one major criteria for the plumbing inspector. He needs to be a qualified plumber that knows the city code (Maybe he does or maybe he doesn’t, but this should be the 1st quality that should be considered.)
I don’t know how many companies have clout lists that they hire from, but do know for certain that many fortune 500 companies reward their current employees with a bonus when they refer an applicant (new hire) to the company. Many of these referrals come from human resource directors or other employees that refer their fellow aluni for a job. Many companies hire more off the referral system than the traditional resume system.
Let me ask you one question. You seem outraged by the hiring practice with the City of Chicago. When did you get your job and what department do you work for?
One of the benefits of not working for the city and reading this blog site, is you can smell the odor of “Sour Grapes” from every person that feels like they were wronged by the system. The funny thing is that when you realize who is talking, and you figure out that they were hired by this system, just like everyone else. You see through the smoke and see a bitter person that thinks they are better than the employee next to them.
As a tax payer, i dont worry about the day to day hiring of the city of chicago. I look outside and see that my streets are paved, garbage is picked up, water and sewer comes and goes from my house and the overall city is safe. In that respect I dont care if the person supervising those jobs is promoted by the mayor or someone else in power. I just know that I am happy living in the city and keep doing what you are doing. The City employees as a whole do a great job and I know that there are many employees out there that don’t agree with what this blog produces or stands for.
Lastly, Scrootined(No named coward who can’t put his or her balls on the line when making a point)the name troll is reserved for people like you. Troll is defined as: A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.
Where are you hiding, post you real name so people can validate your opinion.
You forgot one major criteria for the plumbing inspector. He needs to be a qualified plumber that knows the city code (Maybe he does or maybe he doesn’t, but this should be the 1st quality that should be considered.)
I don’t know how many companies have clout lists that they hire from, but do know for certain that many fortune 500 companies reward their current employees with a bonus when they refer an applicant (new hire) to the company. Many of these referrals come from human resource directors or other employees that refer their fellow aluni for a job. Many companies hire more off the referral system than the traditional resume system.
Let me ask you one question. You seem outraged by the hiring practice with the City of Chicago. When did you get your job and what department do you work for?
One of the benefits of not working for the city and reading this blog site, is you can smell the odor of “Sour Grapes” from every person that feels like they were wronged by the system. The funny thing is that when you realize who is talking, and you figure out that they were hired by this system, just like everyone else. You see through the smoke and see a bitter person that thinks they are better than the employee next to them.
As a tax payer, i dont worry about the day to day hiring of the city of chicago. I look outside and see that my streets are paved, garbage is picked up, water and sewer comes and goes from my house and the overall city is safe. In that respect I dont care if the person supervising those jobs is promoted by the mayor or someone else in power. I just know that I am happy living in the city and keep doing what you are doing. The City employees as a whole do a great job and I know that there are many employees out there that don’t agree with what this blog produces or stands for.
Lastly, Scrootined(No named coward who can’t put his or her balls on the line when making a point)the name troll is reserved for people like you. Troll is defined as: A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges.
Where are you hiding, post you real name so people can validate your opinion.
Jack: I’ll use my name when I get in front of a jurist, not some Daley troll. Maybe I’ll change my mind later on. I’m already experiencing retaliation, I don’t want to invite more. If I start using my name, I’ll feel compelled to start using other’s names as well that aren’t public officials. You know the network of precinct captains and their special employment benefits. Be careful what you wish for Jack.
I was hired in the 80’s by the Department of Water Management. My credentials exceeded what was required on the bid. I’ve advanced my education since that time.
Many companies do ask for internal referrals when recruiting. These companies want qualified individuals as well, not hacks who barely got out of high school with criminal records.
Lastly on the major criteria of being a plumbing inspector. What part of “in addition to technical prowress” didn’t you understand. It was assumed he was technically qualified.
Taxpayers who are disconnected from the system or political infrastructure wouldn’t make as many lengthy or multiple posts as you do, or repeatedly challenge those of us who want fairness in the system.
Sounds like jackie b is getting a case of the heebie jeebies.
It’s nice to know that even the ‘mighty’ can sweat out their asses.
No heebie jeebies here, just find it ammusing that now that the system doesn’t work for some people, then find a way to break the system. In response to Scrootined post, compel yourself to name other people as well as yourself. The network of precinct captains and their special employment benefits are long gone.
You were hired in the 80’s (Byrne, Washington and Daley). I see now where the anger comes from. I will bet my last dollar that you were hired under Byrne and you did not just put your application in for employment. You say that your credentals exceed what is required for the bid, but never mention what your credentals are. You want to be the person that slams the human resource process, but will not name yourself or give anyone the facts that backup your claims.
In respect to Pat’s experience, i don’t know him or his work, but could only assume that politics wasn’t the only thing keeping him from a promotion. I would say that $85,000 a year with benefits, vacation and a pension is a pretty good deal for a plumber. If it wasn’t then why would you want to work for the city.
Who ever said i was disconnected from the system or political infrastructure. I just said i was a tax payer. If you are not qualified for a promotion (you will have to admit that fact)then the system is fair. Was it fair back in 80’s when you got your job or do you want it to be fair now so that with a promotion your pension will greater as you near retirement?
Sorry to disappoint you Jack, but I was not hired under former Mayor Jane Byrne. I was in high school when Lady Jane Burke Byrne occupied the 5th floor. She was right about one thing though, that there was an “evil cabal of men” running City government. Her words are prophetic when you consider present circumstances at City Hall.
I didn’t have enough political pull to get hired as a Building Inspector when I graduated from high school.
Was Andy Ryan, age 18, getting hired by the Department of Buildings as a Building Inspector part of your “fair and equitable” system of referral and retention?
So, take another guess Jack, you have a 50% chance of being right if you guess Washington or Daley.
Just be careful not to give me too much “hocus pocus dominocus” because it’s “just silly.”
Having a blog Pat where your censur people blogging or not post them at all is no a press publication an hense you are not a member of the press. Anyone, not just a press person can file an FOI like ones that will be filed by you in the upcomming weeks to find out how many FIO you have filed in the last two years. Also where you live in Chicago and any other information. I hear your residency case is being reopened and not be the IG.
(Response) I call tell by your writing you are very frustrated and upset. Relax. You can become a member of the press if you put your mind to it. Most members of the press put their names on their work but you can be that guy in the background of the press room cleaning the trash cans. Good luck on your new conquest.