Alphonso “Al” Treadwell is the new teamster with the City of Chicago’s most professional Investigators in Chicago. The Department of Water Management knows this elite group can handle any emergency thrown at them. In fact today, a leak causing switches to blow at the C.T.A.’s deep tunnels today was no match for Ronald Bober and Patrick McDonough of this exclusive investigative team. If you are part of this team you undoubtedly become familiar with the who’s who in Chicago politics. Today, Al enjoyed a good conversation with Cook County Assessor candidate Joe Berrios at lunch time. We ate at Lazo’s, a nice Hispanic restaurant in Chicago. Not bad for Al’s first day. Photo by Patrick McDonough
3 Replies to “Joseph "Joe" Berrios enjoys picture with Teamster Alphonso Treadwell today”
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OK lets get real dawg,either your rolling your own smokes or that guy paid for your lunch!every one knows that the 1# investigative team is,team America lead by yours truly Da Sarge.AKA the last Spago!
it is dangerous to use the Bible to justify law breaking behavior. Where in the Bible does God say go forth and commit crimes – identity theft, fraud, illegal entry? Where is the passage that says the ends justify the means? Only by ignoring biblical prohibitions is it possible for such “Christian Leaders” to fail to see the difference between welcoming the legal, law abiding Stranger and welcoming the law-breaking Illegal Immigrant.
It says in the Bible that “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him”. Maybe I missed something, but to date I have not seen any Illegal Immigrants come forward and turn themselves in to authorities, saying forgive me. Instead, I see many unrepentant Illegal Immigrants who have plenty of excuses as to why they broke the law, who continue to use false documents, who have plenty of demands to change our law, and who are quick to demand their rights. Is not breaking the law because you covet something your neighbor has a sin? Is not identity fraud bearing false witness and thus a sin? Thus is not forgiving unrepentant sin the same as condoning that sin, and thus participating in that sin? Or are the Ten Commandments and other pronouncements against breaking the law like Romans 13: 1-2 or 1 Peter 2: 13-14 or John 10:1 just pesky guidelines to be ignored when inconvenient?
And do not forget that the same speech in the Bible in Leviticus that talks about welcoming the Stranger also includes the following statements:
“Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.”
“Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt.”
“Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.”
And finally according to James 2: “8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. 10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.”
May 13, 2010
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter
In the name of “transparency,” Mayor Daley on Thursday got some measure of revenge against the investigative reporters who’ve made his life miserable by digging up dirt on the Hired Truck, city hiring and minority contracting scandals.
He revamped the city’s new website to include a log of all Freedom of Information Act requests. The list includes the name and organization of each applicant, documents demanded and dates the information was requested and is due to be released.
A new state law merely requires city departments to maintain such a log — not to post it on the Internet to tip investigative reporters about the trail being followed by competitors.
But Daley gleefully declared that he was going “above and beyond what’s required” in the interest of “transparency, openness and the free-flow of information.”
“If you want transparency in government, you have to have this. I’m sorry. This has nothing to do with [getting even with] the Sun-Times, Tribune, media or anything. This is what you want,” Daley said.
Corporation Counsel Mara Georges noted that some investigative reporters try to keep tabs on competitors by “FOI-ing other peoples’ FOIs.”
By posting the log, she said, “We don’t have to be the arbiter of disputes…to decide who’s gonna get access to other peoples’ FOIs, who’s gonna get access to the information others are asking about.”
Asked why the city would want to provide that kind of “tip service,” Georges said, “I don’t see it that way. I see it more as an openness of government.”
For years, Daley’s response to the seemingly endless string of corruption scandals and allegations of contract cronyism has been to shine a brighter light.
Another headline. Another indictment. Another mountain of information made available on the Internet. Daley likes to call it “transparency,” as if the word alone is some kind of anti-corruption pill.
Thursday’s news conference was more of the same.
The FOI log is not the only new data being slapped on the Internet.
Chicagoans will also be able to track the progress of their 311 or online requests for city services — everything from graffiti and abandoned vehicle removal and correcting building code violations to repairing garbage carts, replacing broken street lights and trimming trees.
That bit of transparency could arm Chicagoans with the information they need to beat City Hall over the head for not responding fast enough.
The information dump also includes: economic disclosure statements filed by city contractors; statements of financial interest filed by more than 11,000 city employees; and city payments for such items as utilities, real estate leases, legal expenses, settlements, employee reimbursements and debt service.
City Hall is also complying with a City Council mandate to shine the light on the city’s 160 tax-increment-financing districts by providing three-year estimates of revenue and spending on individual projects.