The Integrity team consists of three Plumber’s Local 130 candidates that want to be your next officers. What is Integrity? 1. Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
3. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of a ship’s hull.
4. Something the current Business Manager of Local 130 does not understand.
Many members of Journeyman Plumber’s Local 130 need a credible team to fix the current of cloudy water that has set record levels of un-employment at the Union. Time to put membership back to work at any cost. Explosive revelations have undermined the future of Plumber’s Local 130. I hope you enjoy this picture of John Swietczak, Michael McGann, and Michael Schmidt with Rep. Danny Davis. Additional meetings with Governor Quinn, Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Alderman, and black leadership continue for the next few weeks. Many leaders in State, Local, and municipal government are very interested in what is being brought to the table. Photo by Patrick McDonough. P.S. Gavin of the Plumber’s Union was again invited to debate the issues live at CAN-TV in Chicago in ten days. See ya there.
Chicago Journeyman's Local 130 rocked by a new slate tonight
Much of the union political passage of power has been done behind closed doors for decades. Plumber’s Local 130 had a tradition of fine leadership; the members were last well served by Gerald M. Sullivan, a true powerhouse and man of distinction. Gerald was seceded by James Sullivan, a sneaky weasel if ever there was one. Many of the membership challenged Jim’s leadership, and then just walked away. I have never seen a greater amount of union trained member’s working for non-union companies until now. To stop this destruction of the union, age barred James Sullivan from further damage. Many union members were expecting business as usual with the anointing of Jim Coyne as Business Manager. If Jim was not challenged, the same ways of doing business at 1400 West Washington might continue. I met with the Integrity Team that is issuing an election against Tim Coyne. I really think this is more of a kick in the ass of the status quo, than an actual anti-Coyne sediment. Plumbers are very pissed off in Chicago. James allowed many unqualified folks to join the union, his school prepped unqualified candidates for the Plumber’s Exam. This lead to the termination of Dean Slawek, a former Chicago Water Department ditch digger. I also contacted Rahm Emanuel’s camp at City Hall, they assured me they are willing to work with the new management team assembled by Chicago Inspector John Swietczak. This is a great opportunity for Plumber’s Local 130 to change direction and get thing right for the membership. I confess I have never seen the members of Local 130 so agitated in front of the union hall tonight. The insider’s click better open their eyes and listen to the issues or they will be left with nothing. I also met some old friends I knew when I was a member, they are voicing the same issues I have but refuse to stop the insanity.
The two leaders and officers of both parties are going to face off May 24, 2012 at Can-Tv in Chicago live. I have invited members of the press and two Aldermen to attend and ask questions. Remember, if you do not show up, I will have a replacement for you. Photo by Patrick McDonough