The City of Chicago and the State of Illinois is under “termination orders” from the J.B. Pritzker transition team to terminate the corrupt leadership at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission in Chicago. Constant complaints since Rauner ordered nazi termination rights of injured union workers will begin in earnest soon. Many injured workers were expecting a fair day in court and instead the workers’ compensation lawyers association have been instrumental in destroying fair settlements that were supposed to benefit injured workers. The system is so corrupt the Federal Government is needed to step in to protect people with no rights. lawyers are making deals that benefit themselves for a quick dollar. Lori Lightfoot, Paul Vallas, Garry McCarthy, Willie Wilson, and Susan Mendoza promise an immediate change to Alderman Burke and the Corrupt Committee on Finance corruption. Alderman Burke and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are in Federal Court with their political lives on the line. Candidates like Jose Luis Torrez for 14th Ward Alderman are aware of the evil Alderman Edward Burke and his political goons fixing races.
Please enjoy this video made at the Park Ridge Public Library November 7, 2018.