The ongoing fraud schemes involving Alderman Ed Burke has ripped the Department of Water Management to pieces. Some employees call working at the Department of Water Management, “the walking dead”. “It is hard to get anything done when Lori is wise to the shit”, said a DOWM commissioner.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot stated as part of the recent Burke indictment she is going to request an investigation into various department heads related to reputed ethical conflicts. Also, Mayor Lori Lightfoot promised whistleblower protections that were nothing but fantasy in the past.
The DOWM has in the past stated the Jardine Plant with all the contracts and consultants are sacred ground. Ralph “the Chameleon” Chiczewski stated to Cook County Judges the going on at the Jardine Plant is part of national security. Ralph contended the secret click of political hacks, former alderman, and other unemployable should be safely protected from prying eyes. A second look at this lawsuit is in route.
Most people in Chicago media including powerhouses like CBS 2 have made FOIA request and they are delayed and denied. The thought here being delays benefit the insiders. In fact the DOWM Personnel Department was brought back to the Jardine Plant to keep information tucked inside.
Many years ago, Ralph Chiczewski the Security Boss retired from the Chicago Police Department with a massive pension of over $130,000.00 and then took a job at the DOWM for an additional $105,000.00 plus massive benefits and additional pension. Ralph also made quite a splash when we found out all the members of his family with sweet jobs and pensions. One Jardine Plant employee said, “Ralph is the enforcer, he keeps everything on the down low”. Ralph shows up at the Jardine Plant mid-afternoon and has the best job in town, said another source. Ralph does not even pay attention to his own memo. On November 22, 2011, Ralph ordered: “It is the Water Department Policy to prosecute all offenders whether the crime is a felony or misdemeanor”.
What does Ralph do you ask? Not long-ago Ralph made a memo demanding the closing of the Olive Park on the Jardine Plant. Underneath the Jardine plant is vessels containing billions of gallons of water prepared for human consumption. Also, enough hazardous chemicals to poison the entire City of Chicago and many of the suburbs. Ralph was hired by another winner and former cop, Bill “Butch” Bresnahan, and Former Commission Barrett “Hansen-Burke” Murphy.
In August 2016, the Chicago Air Show caused the Olive Park to have the gates shut to avoid any possibility of contamination to the Public Water Supply. This Park was hands off. Despite memos that state DOWM exerts no control over the CPD, Ralph Chiczewski ordered the gate opened at the Air and Water Show for a massive private wedding and photo shoot. Against his own orders, “Mr. Safety” to keep his job and provide favors for the Clouted, allowed the lives of millions to be at risk. Also, Ralph a former cop ordered to put away his police badge away, allowed the partiers to park at the Jardine plant with no special background checks. Everyone else had to pay to park at Daley’s private friends parking garages and at the Navy Pier. The other peons that went to the Air and Water Show paid dearly. Sad.
Just recently, a gentleman with disabilities George Lewis and part of a state program to put people to work, stocked machines at the Jardine Plant. Allegedly, George snuck in his lady friend to help instead of his wife. George used his wife’s swipe I.D. for his lady friend. George’s old lady found out and went past the Jardine Plant CPD sworn to protect us, and there was a massive brawl started in front of the Commissioner’s Office. Julie Hernandez-Tomlin allegedly ordered a cover-up. This was a massive violation and security breach that should have resulted in arrests. According to witnesses on the scene, the clout heavy contractor in charge of the contract, told Commissioner another employee would be sent instead. Despite all the “No Trespassing “ signs and warning to arrest, and “all trespassers will be arrested by CPD and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”, nothing was done. Another cover-up caper by ole Ralph?
We are currently running an investigation into Ralph’s use of his undercover car to attend to personal business, drink at parties, attend political events, and run interference for the Commissioner in crime rackets involving Alderman Burke and dirty Chicago Alderman. Time for this goon to hit the road. Time to demand a return of his pension loot. Enough is enough.