Special Thanks to State and Chicago Inspector offering free water service to needy.


CHICAGO (CBS) — She’s an 89-year-old Austin woman, and right now she’s getting her water out of a garden hose.

A group of plumbing experts is volunteering to fix the issue, but they say they need some help from the city, CBS 2 Investigator Megan Hickey reports.

Janie Peters has been living in her Austin home for half a century.

And for years, she says she has had low water pressure—or no pressure at all.

“I just got through washing my hair in bottled water this morning,” Peters said.

“It’s plain old torture. That’s what it is, plain old torture.”

Peters said city workers said they couldn’t put their finger on the problem. Then when her next-door neighbor moved out this fall, she lost her water service altogether.

The issue was pretty clear to this group of plumbers.

“Somebody dropped the ball,’’ said Frank Coconate, a former Department of Water management inspector. “This should not be happening.”

The plumbers say they the house next door doesn’t have a water meter and their line is inexplicably tied to Peters’ meter.

And the current solution: a long water hose running to her home that isn’t either safe or sanitary. The city created the setup as a temporary solution until they can come up with a licensed plumber to create a permanent fix for Peters’ water supply.

“There shouldn’t be a connection this long running across here. It’s running to a water hose,” said union plumber Arvid Peck. “Who drinks out of a water hose?”

So this group of current and former Department of Water Management workers is  stepping in and asking the city for a special permit to complete the installation of a new water service as soon as possible.

“For her not to have water to cook and drink and go to the bathroom these are huge problems,” said Coconate.

However, they have hit some roadblocks this holiday season. Notably, they haven’t heard back from the city’s permit department.

In the meantime, the plumbers are stocking up Peters’ home with bottled water.

Peters is being patient and says she has been touched by all the love.

“Thank God there’s people like you all,” she said.

It’s still unclear exactly how this water line became tied to the house next door.

CBS 2 reached out to the mayor’s office, the water department and the city’s metropolitan planning organization.

The water department says they’re working with alderman’s office to get a permanent solution.

As for the group of volunteers, no word yet from the city’s permit department.

Eddie Johnson gets the ax, Conner gets the ointment

Now that the whole country knows that the Former Superintendent of CPD bypassed all rules related to a drug and alcohol test –following the 911 call for an emergency response to his large body and head slumbering in a running city vehicle after a night out partying with his lady friend –I have a question. Mayor Lightfoot, why was your Commissioner of Water Management Mr. Alphonso Conner II allowed a pass for similar actions? We have detailed in previous reports what Conner did after he struck a private individual’s vehicle at a lakefront nightclub owned by Conner’s lady friend. Remember Conner had a woman in his City-owned vehicle immediately during his accident. She was not disclosed in any police reports –including the amended police report. She’s a big union official who had a lot of clout under the previous administration.

Many employees have been forced to resign after donating urine in the mandatory drug and alcohol test-a requirement for every DWM vehicle accident. The accident was called in like the way Former Deputy Chief of CFD John McNicholas did after his vehicle accident that led to his termination. As you might recall-McNicholas called into a secret bat phone at OEMC to sidestep official channels that would include the recording of his call to the 911 center. Conner called a secret bat phone in order to do the same thing. For Conner’s sake, the call went to Ralph “Chameleon”  Chiczewski who did not give him up-but dutifully responded to the field and sanitized the vehicle accident and adjusted the claim facilitating a nice payoff to the injured party –almost 3 times the amount of money than was disclosed in the police report Conner completed. It’s all documented and the victim that was hit by Conner has told Chicago Clout exactly what happened. 

Why was this individual never interviewed by city officials including but not limited to the 1st Deputy Commissioner Julie “She splits “Hernandez-Tomlin, The Chief of Safety Chiczewski and the Commissioner?

There is a long list of individuals that have been terminated either forced or otherwise for similar actions. Chicago Clout will initiate a FOIA to all Departments Conner was at to cross-reference his participation in Senior Executive roles and his termination of employees for violation of department protocols for vehicle and accident reporting. This list of individuals will be published in subsequent articles –but in the meantime, mass media will readily provide you with two individuals who were fired by two different mayors of Chicago. Deputy Fire Chief John McNicholas and Superintendent Eddie Johnson. Mayor Lori Lightfoot acted shocked that Johnson lied to her face. Welcome to Chicago the city of cover-ups and boldface lying. Who wouldn’t lie to keep a Commissioner job with all the perks and benefits –especially when you don’t even have a college degree or engineers license? Attending a college or university for 4 years and walking out without a degree means nothing except the person was partying, is stupid or a combination of the two.

Lucio Bitoy Department of Water Management Fired for alleged Violence in the Workplace Violations

Lucio Bitoy, a licensed Local 130 Plumber, and a City of Chicago Plumber was just fired for multiple violations of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Diversity and Equal Opportunity Policy and Chicago Violence in the workplace policy. Also, alleged were violations of not being a nice boy.

Plumbers’ Local 130 is refusing to assist Lucio Bitoy because of his many disciplinary issues with the city. Some of the retaliation started when Lucio became uppity and decided to file a Federal EEOC complaint that caused lots of problems at the Chicago Water Department. ( ON September 22, 2014) White bosses were furious that a black would have the audacity to fight for black’s rights. A white driver had a noose in his truck and all he had to do was say he was sorry.

Plumbers’ Local 130 declined to protect Mr. Bitoy for several reasons. Many of you need to understand, whites always get their racism issues covered-up and the political class always have these issues swept under the rug. I have no doubt, a case has been built up against Mr. Bitoy since he refuses to participate in Political Action Meetings and contribute to Local 130 Political funds,

Today, Lucio filed with Mayor Lightfoot’s Human Resources Department and intends to get his job back. Lucio can us this opportunity to expose all the hate and corruption that goes on at the Chicago Department of Water Management.

What concerns me the most is Lucio is a typical Chicago Water Department employee.

He does a great job as a Licensed Plumber but fails to realize hard work means nothing. The Department of Water Management is run by pure politics. Lucio needs to understand, you can not attempt to make things get better and not get burned.

I personally do not like some of the things Lucio has said on Facebook, but he has a first amendment right. Someone decided to make a friend request and then got offended. Lucio was never failed a drug test of physically assaulted anyone. The Department of Water Management has always dragged on or refused to investigate serious violations of Personnel Rules in the past.

I strongly suggest the Department of Water Management provide psychological treatment to people they suspect have issues before they terminate them. Sometimes frustration causes people to do things we find offensive. The former bosses at the Department of Water Management always looked the other way when racism occurred.

Funny how Joe Ferguson at the Chicago Inspector General was informed about many people’s Facebook post that were far worse the Lucio’s. Black women were always mistreated, and many women were subject to sexual threats.

We have many problems at the Chicago Department of Water Management, Coo Coo Conner has failed to fix anything. Please advise all contractors to provide more girt cards during Christmas Time. I am hoping Mr. Bitoy gets his day in court. I also hope Frank Coconate can help him since Gregorio-Marcio, LTD is ordered to stand down.

John “Copper bar” Keating 2FM Da Copper Caper

John “Copper Bar” Keating is a hell of a great electrician. When I looked at his overtime, I was impressed. In 2018, the 2FM Foreman of electrical Mechanics raked in an impressive $29,898.00 in extra dough. Currently, Copper Bar in 2019 is raking in an additional $42, 024.27in overtime. NICE!! Plus, he gets a base salary of about $104,500.00 plus. You think that would be enough.

NO. There is MORE:

The nice scrap money on the side is where you can make a boss happy and pocket piles of money that belongs to the Chicago Taxpayer. I called many of the persons involved in the Chicago Inspector General cover-up. We at Chicago Clout followed up to the Chicago Inspector General and heard nothing but crickets. We gave the video of two City of Chicago 2FM employees leaving an “emergency” electrical mainline replacement for Alderman Burke’s Archer Heights Library.  During the project. While on the project making double and triple time, two coo coo birds were prepping copper for a drop to various scrap yards in the suburbs. The emergency repair was ordered by Alderman Burke so his library in his ward would not be shut down like the library in black wards are. Trust me, when blacks have the library out of order, the blacks in those communities wait for weeks.

After a massive nice overtime orgy, 134 union electricians, while on city time, went to the suburbs and cashed out. All that copper netted a fine pile of checks and cash. Did you know junkyards can pay cash if you have a union card? Blacks and Hispanics need to have an I.D. and are reimbursed only by check.

James “Pinky Finger” Barcelona needs to know when scrapping copper to make sure he returns the copper that does not belong to him. Make sure you read the passage in the bible that says, not to covet Nina Cozzo’s cut and share the copper with the guy taking video. James, you scrapped on March 5 and March 6 in 2018. You reputedly stole all that copper.

Some quick advice to Joe “Sleepy” Ferguson, make sure your staff properly investigates theft of taxpayer’s scrap money. Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s press staff forwarded me to 2FM press person, Hali Levanboski. I still waiting for her and Joe Ferguson. And waiting and waiting.

Look at this picture, was the copper spent on guns? P.S. take your finger off the trigger unless you are going to shoot. More free advice