Now that the whole country knows that the Former Superintendent of CPD bypassed all rules related to a drug and alcohol test –following the 911 call for an emergency response to his large body and head slumbering in a running city vehicle after a night out partying with his lady friend –I have a question. Mayor Lightfoot, why was your Commissioner of Water Management Mr. Alphonso Conner II allowed a pass for similar actions? We have detailed in previous reports what Conner did after he struck a private individual’s vehicle at a lakefront nightclub owned by Conner’s lady friend. Remember Conner had a woman in his City-owned vehicle immediately during his accident. She was not disclosed in any police reports –including the amended police report. She’s a big union official who had a lot of clout under the previous administration.
Many employees have been forced to resign after donating urine in the mandatory drug and alcohol test-a requirement for every DWM vehicle accident. The accident was called in like the way Former Deputy Chief of CFD John McNicholas did after his vehicle accident that led to his termination. As you might recall-McNicholas called into a secret bat phone at OEMC to sidestep official channels that would include the recording of his call to the 911 center. Conner called a secret bat phone in order to do the same thing. For Conner’s sake, the call went to Ralph “Chameleon” Chiczewski who did not give him up-but dutifully responded to the field and sanitized the vehicle accident and adjusted the claim facilitating a nice payoff to the injured party –almost 3 times the amount of money than was disclosed in the police report Conner completed. It’s all documented and the victim that was hit by Conner has told Chicago Clout exactly what happened.
Why was this individual never interviewed by city officials including but not limited to the 1st Deputy Commissioner Julie “She splits “Hernandez-Tomlin, The Chief of Safety Chiczewski and the Commissioner?
There is a long list of individuals that have been terminated either forced or otherwise for similar actions. Chicago Clout will initiate a FOIA to all Departments Conner was at to cross-reference his participation in Senior Executive roles and his termination of employees for violation of department protocols for vehicle and accident reporting. This list of individuals will be published in subsequent articles –but in the meantime, mass media will readily provide you with two individuals who were fired by two different mayors of Chicago. Deputy Fire Chief John McNicholas and Superintendent Eddie Johnson. Mayor Lori Lightfoot acted shocked that Johnson lied to her face. Welcome to Chicago the city of cover-ups and boldface lying. Who wouldn’t lie to keep a Commissioner job with all the perks and benefits –especially when you don’t even have a college degree or engineers license? Attending a college or university for 4 years and walking out without a degree means nothing except the person was partying, is stupid or a combination of the two.