On June 8, 2011, Paul Hansen finally got to address to City of Chicago Department of Water Management employees in the North District. Paul Hansen got a chilly response despite the very hot weather. Some employees in this picture were wearing shorts knowing the day would be close to 100 degrees. Paul Hansen told the workers he wanted them not to wear short pants again. Paul does not wear shorts anymore because he works in a very cold and chilly air-conditioned office. At $107,000.00 dollars, smackers, greenbacks, I would wear long pants also. Paul was in the newspapers for an alleged DUI he got when hunting in Geneva. Most Chicago City workers get fired when this happens to them. Somehow the Office of the Inspector General allowed his promotion to go through despite other employees claiming the promotion was rigged. Paul job requires a driver’s license and when suspended allegations of mileage reimbursement funny business continued to be made. Paul Hansen revealed new work rules that included parking in the residential area around former Alderman Pat Laver crib. The 45Th Ward’s new Alderman best take a look at this policy. Also, workers were reminded to go into the yard to swipe in and out. No more shortchanging the taxpayers anymore. The Office of the Inspector General got wind of edit sheets used on overtime jobs recently. The North District yard was just cited for violations with the Illinois Department of Labor. Several workers agreed to petition the neighbors to call Rahm Emanuel to stop this practice. So far the Office of the Inspector General has done nothing to stop the flash mob workers at the District, racing out to taxpayer’s homes, underbidding and hustling side business. This scam has gone on with leak desk workers giving inside leak complaints to certain investigators, kicking back cash to the bosses. It is time to keep the corruption, bribes, scams, payoffs in full swing, just wear long pants when you do it. It looks more legit. Patrick McDonough