On October 19, 2009, Chicago Department of Water Management Workers noticed an employee from a concrete company taking water from a fire hydrant. They were on the Milwaukee Avenue street project that proves private contractor are not up to the tasks of getting work completed in a timely manner. The project which stretches from Montrose to the Jefferson park CTA terminal is the result of multiple minority contractor incompetence. Everyone on this project should not be allowed to work for the public again. A concrete contractor was caught with his saw cutting machine hooked up to a fire hydrant with no protection to the potable water supply. The man had no permit to use the water. A Chicago Police officer was dispatched and made quick work of the violations. I commend Officer Stranski for a job well done. The City of Chicago Department of Water Management needs proper training to make all employees aware of water safety. Many people think the department promotes political hacks that have little knowledge of public safety. Many Chicago Water Department employees think the only thing that matters is getting signatures for Daley and his selected political goons. I want to thank the employees that did their job and reported the violations. Many employees are afraid to report these violations as the Management in the department will retaliate. Make sure you read the following articles, Daley is selling the City of Chicago to the highest bidder. Make sure you vote everyone of these idiots out of office. Photo by Patrick McDonough.]]> Continue reading “Chicago Department of Water Management Employees Stop Water Theft”