Many folks know I am a Blackhawks fan. The Chicago Blackhawks have always fought hard for Chicago. On April 19, 2012, I was welcomed very nicely and hustled to the official Blackhawk photographer. That started a back and forth about Nikon Cameras. Sorry, I can’t help it. We was than ushered to the ice entrance, watched the players enter the ice, and a red carpet was rolled out. I carefully entered the ice and then walked to the end of the red carpet. Not long after, the Star Spangled Banner was sung with us on the ice, with the players, and some members of the armed forced! I also saw our picture on the Jumbotron. That was unreal to be on the red carpet with Patti all by ourselves. It was really neat because it was the April 19, 2012 playoff game. Thanks to all the Blackhawk staff, especially Sarah. Photo by Chicago Blackhawk Staff Photographer. Patrick McDonough