Thank you for the nice and kind words Michael Volpe of Thee Provocateur. On October 2, 2009, we had a great day at Can-TV. Thank you to our famous host Judge Burrell and Cook County Clerk Dorothy Brown. Special Thanks to Tom Morris, John Swietczak, and Saul Charak. Thanks to Charles Walker and Joe Yost. Thanks to our friends at CAN-TV. A Super Big thanks to Ivan Tomic and Michael McGann helping to pay the freight. Thanks to all the talent for our new show, Mayor Daley’s 11TH Ward Orchestra Tryouts. Thanks to the guys in the control room. The Chicago Clout Shows help make educate voters.Our fun shows help us keep sane at work. We have a large staff of people and hope to have more shows soon. Enjoy.
Cook County Board President Todd H. Stroger and Chicago Clout Staff
(Pictured from left, Julio Luna, President Todd H. Stroger, Ronald Bober, and Patrick McDonough) One of my favorite politicians in Cook County is Cook County Board President Todd H. Stroger. I was very thankful when he took a picture many years ago with my twin boys. As many of you know, I try to be fair with every person that runs for office. I always give extra points for politicians that treat the public with respect and openness. President Todd Stroger has always been very kind to me, my children, and Chicago Clout staffers. I did not mean to interrupt with the Stroger Staff meeting at Mac Arthurs Restaurant, but I was very happy to see a person I admire. I voiced my concerns regarding the unfair manner the Stroger Administration has received press coverage, that is another issue we are on common ground. I think the public should know the Cook County Board President works 24/7. I also think we need to get the word out Todd Stroger is doing a heck of a job despite the difficult economic climate. I know this website is Chicago Clout, but I look forward to get the word out on County activity when things are getting done right. Photo by Le Shawn James and edited by Patrick McDonough