City of Chicago Department of Water Management Engineer and Male Makeup Artist was assaulted the third time October 24, 2009. The City of Chicago Department of Water Management does not seem to get the facts right on assault and battery, time after time. The dog and pony show of protecting workers has again been exposed as fraud. Commissioners do not listen to people that tell the truth unless they are on a petition drive or actively working a campaign. The Department of Water has management that was never educated in a college environment, many of these goons made their marks lying about co-workers, or being at the right place at the right time, for the right political campaign. It is no secret, uneducated managers put workers together that do not get along, a sure recipe for fights. After Hired Truck Scandal, Daley dumped some washed out coppers over to the department with no people skills, using the same abusive tactics they used on poor blacks and Hispanics. I am hoping Chicago News Stations do a story on Tom Morris, make-up artist for many famous judges and just a couple of weeks ago, made-up Dorothy Brown, Cook County Clerk. Tom was choked in the last assault incident, resulting in marks to his neck and back injuries. The Water Department suspended Tom instead of the actual perpetrator, despite medical proof! I do not blame Daley for selling the Chicago Department of Water Management; Daley destroyed a once great department with politics and corruption. Photo enhanced by Patrick McDonough
Hired Truck Lawsuits continue, Mayor Daley needs to raise taxes, More lawsuits against Chicago
Most of this summer required me to watch Mayor Daley and his Administration continue to break the law of the land. Mayor Daley looked like a fool when the 726 Teamsters would not give into his insane demands. Daley was playing both side of the coin when he was telling the world Chicago had money, but he was cheating Chicago City Workers out of fair pay and work. Every Chicago City employee knows Daley laid off Chicago Teamsters and replaced them with Hired Trucks. Many of the Hired Truck Drivers are scabs and belong to phony minority and disadvantaged businesses. Mayor Daley may consider a black, a Mexican, and a women a disadvantaged human but I do not. I was contacted by several drivers from Midway Airport and several drivers from Local 726. I recommended a lawyer that would start and finish a lawsuit and not steal their money. I am very glad on October 13, 2009; Attorney Russ Stewart filed a lawsuit on behalf of what could become (200) two hundred Chicago City Workers. The lawsuit is against The Chicago Department of Aviation, The Chicago Department of Transportation, The Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation, and my friends at the City of Chicago Department of Water Management. Want all those teamsters to know, I followed Hired Trucks and took pictures for free. The teamsters might have the last laugh yet! Here is the link Good luck everyone. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Laborers Local 1092 have questions for Chuck Loverde tomorrow night.
The Laborer's Union is having a meeting tomorrow night, October 19, 2009. 1092 members are still smarting from furlough days and no overtime; the laborer's union did not give the all member's a chance to vote their opinion at the last meeting. That meeting did not include any revelations by the Union leader to attend Copenhagen for Daley's Olympic 2016 bid. This bid was made possible off the backs of Chicago union workers. Hard working laborers might want to ask who went and who paid. Who invited Chuck? Was this more of selling out workers? When was this deal struck? Was this Quid pro quo? No time for tears, we need straight answers. The LoVerde families are great people; Carol is an institution in Chicago Union circles. Chuck has made a nasty error here. The timing could not have been worse. The Plumber's Union under James Sullivan wants to keep in power longer than he is allowed. Jimmy wants the rules changed. Chicago Unions need fresh blood; the old actors have gone stale. Please note, the Teamsters laid off workers are returning back to work, many enjoyed unemployment checks for months, who is the sucker? Not me! Patrick McDonough
Here is the You-Tube version on Mayor Richard M. Daley's dental Plan Video. Enjoy
Chicago City Workers Benefit Plan is a Joke. The Dental is a scam Video.
Cook County Clerk Dorothy Brown is attentive to current issues
Patrick McDonough/ChicagoClout