It seems funny the Chicago Newspapers are going gaga over Patrick Daley heading back into the Army. It made all the television stations even though most the people I know just want an honest answer about Mayor Daley son’s involvement in the sewer business. Sneed had another great scoop, but I am certain Mayor Daley tipped off the media to get favorable treatment for his son, again. I want every soldier in the U.S. Armed Forces to know the vast majority of everyday Americans care about each and every one of you equally. We have no favorites unless it is a son, daughter, mom, or dad. I do not think any favoritism should exist where life and limb is at risk. Amazing how long it takes to fight these wars and who is chosen to fight them. Photo of Patrick Daley courtesy of a Chicago Clout contributor. It is time for all soldiers to return home, enough have died long ago. Patrick McDonough