June 5, 2011 was not a good day for City of Chicago Department of Water Management Plumber Patrick McDonough. Another employee took it upon himself to allegedly call Patrick McDonough a “fu*king Asshole.” Patrick McDonough takes pride in keeping his assigned vehicle clean and neat. Night crew workers have been sleeping all night in his truck, wearing out the air-conditioning, and taking parts to fix up their trucks. One of the laborers took some stolen parts back from another driver’s truck, and you guessed it, Patrick McDonough got blamed. This is the third alleged assault from this driver according to sources. This driver was caught smoking in the trucks before and a verbal reprimand was given. A boss blamed the leak desk when they were not able to get ahold of him. Another assault happened again while the Plumber was attempting to leave home. The Chicago Police were called and the driver admitted to the verbal assault. The police said this is an internal matter and left. They said the same thing when a State Senator Munoz’s brother also allegedly assaulted another city worker. Both workers were drug tested which makes no sense at all. The Violence in the Workplace rules were not followed and the Water Department has still not made provisions to assist the victim with needed paperwork followup. Supervisors were also interfering with attempting to settle the matter “off the books” on Wednesday. The Office of the Inspector General are still not providing answers. I will get back to you on this story as things progress. If we have zero tolerance, let’s have zero tolerance. The alleged offender had family fired from the Hired Truck Scandal from the Water Department, time to let the grudge go dude! The victim was kicked off his new truck and thrown into the oldest junk truck in the fleet. It is called retaliation. ]]> Continue reading “Chicago Department of Water Managment Employee assaulted June 5, 2011”