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Chicago 1092 Laborers Working Hard

Anthony Laborer.jpg
Anthony is a new employee with the City of Chicago Department of Water Management. On Friday October 13, 2006, Anthony learned that being a Union Laborer with the City of Chicago means you stick with the job and do whatever it takes for the Taxpayers of Chicago. Anthony worked in a wet, horrible, rotten ditch and never gave up.
The experienced Union Laborers gave him a time, but they made darn sure he was safe and learned a lesson. I am very proud of Anthony and I hope he works for Chicago for a long time. He showed his grit. Nice Job. Chicago has finally decided to train the new workers in a proper manner, I have fought for this for years. Photo by Patrick McDonough


This city worker is digging a hole to bury Coconate. Anthony is learning fast. Keep up the good work Anthony!

Anthony is a good guy who is new. When I asked him what he was doing in this picture he simply replied "IM DIGGING A HOLE FOR FRANK COCONATE!!!I TS WHERE HE BELONGS.