Feds Raid Chicago's Little Village April 24, 2007
In the parking lot of the Little Village Discount Mall, a massive fraud was in full swing. For cash you could obtain any form of identification necessary to get work in Chicago. During the raid many more people were arrested for not being American citizens. Many Hispanics in the ward were very upset and staged protests. My problem is why Mayor Daley allows this to go on and never enforces laws to protect Chicago citizens. Alderman Munoz's father has a photo business in the thick of the mall. Are you going to tell me the Munoz family did not know what was going on? Everyone knew the process, meet in the parking lot, than find a vendor with the right price for false IDs and then enter Foto-Munoz for the picture. Alderman Munoz and Luis Gutierrez should come clean and explain their knowledge of these illegal businesses. I am not saying Munoz's dad did anything illegal, but if he says he knew nothing, I will have a hard time believing that. Late last week, I went back to the Mall and found two vendors selling false IDs in the parking lot. Should Mayor Daley enforce America's laws, or look the other way like Los Angeles? Photo by Patrick McDonough
I wonder just how many of these 'psuedo-citizens' are now presently listed on the rolls of registered voters?
And how many of the 'fake-citizens' have been casting votes in previous elections?
And how many of the 'fraudulent-citizens' have cast their votes for 'machine' candidates/incumbents?
No wonder the HDO has been/is/will be so successful in putting and keeping certain alderman in office, said aldermen marching in lock-step with the Daley agendas.
Crook County at it's finest.
Posted by: Anonymous | April 28, 2007 11:32 AM
I'm wondering if anyone in authority, at any level, will be comparing the voter registration rolls with any listings of names used on these phony I.D.'s confiscated during this raid.
Where do the people creating these phony I.D.'s get the names they use?
And the addresses?
Why can't these names and addresses be compared to the lists of registered voters?
And especially the list of voters who actually voted?
Posted by: curious | April 28, 2007 2:25 PM
Dear sirs: i have had the pleasure of meeting Alderman Munoz over fifteen years ago. Now if you would have told that his father would be in the middle of this fake id story i would not have believed.
Its ironic that this "arrest" comes in the heels of him announcing his run for Congress..hmmmmmm
For the record I believe his biggest opponent was a state prosecutor..hmmmmm
Also, this same candidate is now on the ""speak Spanish" badwagon--now trhat its sheik politically.....hmmmmm
Posted by: re: Alderman Munoz | May 30, 2007 10:27 PM
f&%# the comments white racist people make about our community. yeah mayor daley runs the HDO, has nothing to with our indepedent community, we anti-Daley. yeah Im BaltazAR Enriquez the one who organize the protest the DAY of the raid. KEEP COMING into our HOOD, we ready for you's! we have showed we are not scare and will not be bully by no one. The goverment sold the id equipment to this ID ring, who has the machines but the goverment. We need cheaP labor AKA slavery! so f#$$ all you white racist ignorent people, come to our hood will be more than happy to show our stron economy. the way we have over 15 bank's in our hood, that mean's we load with money. so run with ur guns and ur army suits, remember we have the right to bear ARMS against a corrupted GOVERMENT!
Posted by: mayor daley | January 4, 2009 9:29 PM
Blah blah blah. The same stereotypical crap to feed the stupid and generalizing minds of American-born, decendants of fellow European immigrants. Let me ask you guys: do you REALLY think that these people using fake ID's are going to just go out and vote? No, they don't even answer their doors when someone knocks, let alone give out that information to Mr. Orr. Get real and understand these people before you make stupid remarks. Plus, they're here to work. So, now that its all said and done, lets praise all your hiring managers for giving them the same opportunities you guys have; just at a cheaper and more efficient way--the Mexican version of economics 101, HA!
Posted by: Jose Sanchez | April 28, 2009 12:29 PM