Investigators demanded files again from the North District City of Chicago Department of Water Management this morning. Paperwork for the continuing investigations into overtime, bribes, emails, expense sheets, racism and corruption will not go away. You might be thinking why does Paul Hansen look so worn out early in the morning? Was it a rough night? Stress, Zackery? Many people complained Paul Hansen would come into work very exhausted from a night of confusion. Not long after, the screaming would start up and the entire North District was up for grabs. On this morning, an appeal was denied to a worker and handed back. William “Oink Oink” Bresnahan denied an appeal from an employee that was falsely accused of wrongdoing. Back than Bresnahan would listen to everything Paul Hansen would tell him, and now they are both gone. Resigned. Finished. Terminated. But that is what happens when you get an egotistical crazy person like Bresnahan running a department he knows nothing about. You might notice Paul Hansen’s eye looks crossed. Many Chicago Water Department guys miss the crazy emails and are still at work. I suggest Henderson-Parks will finish off that problem soon. Note to all investigators, if you are missing some information, I bet I got back-up. Notice the picture of Barack Obama? Ha.