Chuck Goudie of ABC 7 News outs Department of Water Management Caulkers

ABC 7 gets it final Enjoy this story in a story Plumbers Local 130 allows unlicensed Plumbing in Chicago again. Chuck Goudie caught this in news special he just released about Rahm Emanuel’s alleged budget cutting and Chicago employees. Caulkers make at least $91,500.00 with no special training except ringing on doors to elect Rahm Emanuel. In fact, Plumber’s Local 130 James Sullivan idly sits by while these workers get the supervisory promotions. Real Licensed Plumbers are supervised by laborers with no Plumbing Licenses. Makes you want to drink bottled water Chicago! Paul Hansen, the son of former Alderman Hansen, got a chilly reception when he was promoted to lead all the North side City Plumbers despite never obtaining a Plumber’s License. The Office of the Inspector General is busy chasing stories already printed by the Sun-Times to be pro-active in the Chicago drinking water crisis. When several licensed plumbers were asked about the promotion of Paul Hansen to order plumbers around, they said, “James Sullivan of the Plumbers Union needs to be put to pasture, in the old days they would rig the plumber’s test, now they don’t give a fuc#”. Patrick McDonough