"Rahm Emanuel doesn't live it. He's nothing but a Wall Street Judas," Jim Sweeney said on Tuesday. Well here you go in Chicago Politics with a Union Leader talking a lot of crap to stir up all the City Workers that never figured the Local 150 Operators sold out the City Workers long before Rahm ever did. Local 150 was one of the first unions to cave in to help with Mayor Daley's budget mess. Local 150 made tons of overtime and loaded up private non-union trucks during the snow storm. Local 150 workers load up non-union scab trucking every day on city property. So I think Jim should look in the mirror before he takes the stance he did on Rahm. Am I supporting Rahm Emanuel? A solid NO. Was Daley a phony and a hypocrite again? Yes. Folks, this is not an anti-Semitic issue. It is one of the pot calling the kettle black!
Patrick McDonough