Last week, four city of Chicago, Department of Water Management employees went to the Office of the Inspector General for an assault that happened over one year ago. One driver was sent to central district while the “investigation” took place. Could you imagine the money spent not even including the truck and driver dispatched to drive them all downtown? I think the three employees in the south district should make sure they call their Alderman and get off the hook. I want to know why the OIG waits so long, when memories are faded, and employees forget what happened. We will keep an eye on the outcome of this craziness. Taxpayers pay five employees to wait around most the day, at least two OIG investigators (I use the term loosely), and various DOWM staff to monitor and coordinate. This is costing the taxpayers thousands for the dog and pony show. The Inspector General looks the other way when complaints are made against politically connected employees. Amazing. I thought Rahm Emanuel was going to change Business as Usual. Patrick McDonough
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Martin Luther King needs to pray for Jesse White, Ole White Dude's enabler
It is no secret the North District Department of Water Management is loaded with old style corruption. Corruption will only continue if politicians like Jesse White keep helping old white folks keep the Negro down. Jesse White needs to look into the promotions in the North District that go to political whites and why none of the promotions have gone to Negroes. On December 16, 2010, two white guys got their promotions despite a troubled past. One white dude got a promotion while he was on Duty-disability! Complaints to the Office of the Inspector General have gone unanswered. The City of Chicago Department of Water Management gets away with constant criminal activity due to the legal department’s use of procedural maneuvers. No interviews, no evidence gathering, and no convictions. Almost every person calling complaints to the Chicago Office of the Inspector General moves nowhere. Just recently, two more white guys were promoted despite their inexperience. The Foreman positions could be great promotions for Chicago Negroes. Negroes are losing their homes and are not getting a fair share of the pie. Jesse White is no friend of the ongoing Shakman Violations reforms. Make sure you ask Jesse White why he makes phone calls that keep whites in power at the Negroes peril. Some more Foreman Promotions are in the application stage at the Department of Water Management; keep James Sullivan’s white boyz out of the mix. Let us make some promotions of Negroes and some amigos for a change. Jesse White, stay out of the Blackman’s business if you are going to sell the Blackman out. Story by the Honky Tonk Man. (I hope you all pray for Martin Luther King’s Soul) Keep the faith, keep the jobs)