It was not long ago when the Chicago Sun-Times uncovered Mayor Daley’s Hired Truck Scandal. The driver on the City truck when Mark Brown of the Chicago Sun-Times was snooping around was Joe Lopez. Joe Lopez was accused falsely of not being on the jobsite and was punished. Joe is still looking to clear his name. Joe always worked hard for the City of Chicago and enjoyed his 34 years as a trusted employee. Joe looks about ten years younger after he retired thanks to less stress and visits to Mexico. Maybe someday Joe can clear his name. Joe never knew the Hired Truck Whistleblower, Patrick McDonough was tipping off the newspapers and the FEDS that day. Joe is glad the city gave him an opportunity for the job. Joe misses all his friends and loves them. Joe also says thanks to his friends in the Sewer Department. Joe had a great going away party at the Sunnyside trailer his last day. Joe still misses all the guys. Photo by Patrick McDonough