Rham Emanuel denies Workers Compensation Claim on Konrad Tucharski
Mayor Rahm Emanuel embattled staff received orders to fight the Workers Compensation Claim of a dead Chicago Department of a Water Management employee. Emanuel demanded not a penny to be paid and a private law firm to fight the case. Emanuel also stopped Chicago media not to follow the funeral and wake of Konard Tucharski. Per a high-ranking North Side Chicago Superintendent, Konrad did not live in Chicago. Konrad allegedly lived in Mount Prospect with his wife and two children. Chicago Inspector General Joe Ferguson has kept quiet.
Konrad Tucharski was a City of Chicago Bricklayer working on the street without proper shoring. None of the employees knew what to do when the street fell in on him and left Tucharski with a closed casket funeral on February 17, 2017. Pictures of the crime site at Sauganash Avenue showed the crew did not have proper shoring. Chicago Clout has seen Chicago Department of Water Management working in ditches 20 to 30 foot down with no shoring and no exit in case of an emergency. Fire the Commissioner Now. Rahm will not fire his pal that goes to hockey games with him.
We at Chicago Clout are asking Mayor Rahm Emanuel to stop his crazy investigation NOW. We want a settlement in full to this family. We are asking the street name of Sauganash Ave to be changed Konrad Tucharski Avenue. City of Chicago full time employee John “Hired Truck” D’Amico who is also a full-time Illinois State representative can make this happen in a phone call. This is Laurino turf. Let’s get this done. We are also asking Joe “cupcake” Ferguson to back off the residency investigation of Konrad Tucharski, he gave his life to Chicago, that is enough to ask of anyone.