Chicago Department of Water Security Breach McDonough Hero

Mega Bust January 23, 2012 Yard final.jpg City of Chicago Department of Water Management employee of 2011 Patrick McDonough noticed a very suspicious pick-up truck lurking around the 4900 West Sunnyside Yard today. Mr. McDonough notified the crack security team that left the gate open again and allowed this dude to sneak into the yard. The crack security team made a major assault upon the possible terrorism suspect. A high ranking political appointee snuck up quietly on this dude as if he was on a turkey hunt, and the dude left the open lot without so much as any license check, or illegal search and seizure. The crack security team did not follow the established protocol which is necessary to save our precious drinking water in Chicagoland. Who was that dude? Why he was not detained? Is Chicago drinking water safe? Why did this political appointee not call in a reckless panic to superiors? Photo by Patrick McDonough

Criminal Activity continues at City of Chicago Department of Water Management, Workers want new Watchdog

Chicago DOWM Watchdog 1.jpg A major copper theft was reported out of the City of Chicago Department of Water Management facilities located at 4900 West Sunnyside. Chicago Clout first reported this theft a couple of weeks ago. A pin point theft located $5000.00 dollars in copper used for water services for Chicago’s over taxed residents. For over a decade, I have reported rolls of copper walking out the door and into District Foreman’s side job trucks. Many City Workers were installing water services on the side stealing this valuable metal. In fact, the Office of the Inspector General looked the other way despite police knocking at the front door of crooks. One brash side job included a retire sewer foreman’s personal residence. Witnesses that were on the side job come forward and nothing was done. Pictures taken and sent to the Inspector General were round files. (For the record, The Vroustouris Days) The same Employees are still in the news and regulars for Workman’s Compensation Benefits. The fact the crooks knew exactly which trucks to break into is very telling. The fact that no pumps, tools, or other valuable items went missing is troubling. Not long ago, I was on the phone with Tom LaPorte, the spokesman for the DOWM, he knew nothing about these thefts. I also asked if it was true that Dwayne Hightower busted two high power political laborers staying at home during the workday. Tom Laporte again knew nothing. He said he will look into these allegations. Many City of Chicago Laborers want to know why some 1092 laborers get to take pickup trucks despite the fact they lack the seniority. Some laborers complained laborer sub Forman are paid to run crews but drive the pick-up trucks instead. None of these laborers are subject to random drug testing despite a liability issue, the city waits until they run over someone. Our greatest concern right now is the lack of competent Management at the North District, the lack of non-union management is causing many problems. There is no General Superintendent to oversee Union Employees with political ties. The Inspector General needs to do something now. It is time to fire the folks running the circus. Rahm Emanuel, do the job you were hired to do. Photo by Patrick McDonough

Former Alderman Hansen's son Paul Hansen gets chilly response

June 8  2011 paul Hansen final On June 8, 2011, Paul Hansen finally got to address to City of Chicago Department of Water Management employees in the North District. Paul Hansen got a chilly response despite the very hot weather. Some employees in this picture were wearing shorts knowing the day would be close to 100 degrees. Paul Hansen told the workers he wanted them not to wear short pants again. Paul does not wear shorts anymore because he works in a very cold and chilly air-conditioned office. At $107,000.00 dollars, smackers, greenbacks, I would wear long pants also. Paul was in the newspapers for an alleged DUI he got when hunting in Geneva. Most Chicago City workers get fired when this happens to them. Somehow the Office of the Inspector General allowed his promotion to go through despite other employees claiming the promotion was rigged. Paul job requires a driver’s license and when suspended allegations of mileage reimbursement funny business continued to be made. Paul Hansen revealed new work rules that included parking in the residential area around former Alderman Pat Laver crib. The 45Th Ward’s new Alderman best take a look at this policy. Also, workers were reminded to go into the yard to swipe in and out. No more shortchanging the taxpayers anymore. The Office of the Inspector General got wind of edit sheets used on overtime jobs recently. The North District yard was just cited for violations with the Illinois Department of Labor. Several workers agreed to petition the neighbors to call Rahm Emanuel to stop this practice. So far the Office of the Inspector General has done nothing to stop the flash mob workers at the District, racing out to taxpayer’s homes, underbidding and hustling side business. This scam has gone on with leak desk workers giving inside leak complaints to certain investigators, kicking back cash to the bosses. It is time to keep the corruption, bribes, scams, payoffs in full swing, just wear long pants when you do it. It looks more legit. Patrick McDonough

Chuck Goudie of ABC 7 News outs Department of Water Management Caulkers

ABC 7 gets it final Enjoy this story in a story Plumbers Local 130 allows unlicensed Plumbing in Chicago again. Chuck Goudie caught this in news special he just released about Rahm Emanuel’s alleged budget cutting and Chicago employees. Caulkers make at least $91,500.00 with no special training except ringing on doors to elect Rahm Emanuel. In fact, Plumber’s Local 130 James Sullivan idly sits by while these workers get the supervisory promotions. Real Licensed Plumbers are supervised by laborers with no Plumbing Licenses. Makes you want to drink bottled water Chicago! Paul Hansen, the son of former Alderman Hansen, got a chilly reception when he was promoted to lead all the North side City Plumbers despite never obtaining a Plumber’s License. The Office of the Inspector General is busy chasing stories already printed by the Sun-Times to be pro-active in the Chicago drinking water crisis. When several licensed plumbers were asked about the promotion of Paul Hansen to order plumbers around, they said, “James Sullivan of the Plumbers Union needs to be put to pasture, in the old days they would rig the plumber’s test, now they don’t give a fuc#”. Patrick McDonough

Is political army of Rahm Emanuel back at the Department of Water Department barking orders?

The Office of the Inspector General and the Shakman Monitor were answering the phone again as employees' ramp up the allegations of fraud and misconduct. Several current employees complain the old warriors of Rahm Emanuel's congressional race were looking and receiving promotions like there is no tomorrow. In the days of old, people knew the promotions would go to certain workers, but the reward was overtime. Now, the campaign workers want the promotions because the O.T. is a thing of the past. At Chicago Clout we reported Daley's contractor pals are raking in the cash which could funnel loot into Rahm's campaign. In fact, Chicago Clout has received complaints from City contractors about phone calls recommending a donation to the mayoral campaign. "You like how things are going now", said the caller. In the January 2011 pay envelope, employees were given the notice from the Shakman Monitor. I again remind the City workers to call and get things on the record. I want everyone to know, nothing has changed for the better at the City of Chicago. The Chicago Taxpayers are on the hook for millions more in lawsuits. I have a feeling if we vote for Rahm, we will have a Daley incarnate. Patrick McDonough (Shakman Monitor Phone number 1-312-422-0001

Michael Tadin's goons wasting Chicago taxpayer's water today!

Tadin at Chicago garbage plant 1.jpg Mayor Daley has helped many people become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Today, my crew needed to load up on fuel. Tadin’s goons were moping around the 700 block of North Kilbourn in Chicago, Illinois. They were working at the Waste to Energy Facility. Tadin also had a pick-up truck, a second truck, and had a trailer parked on the facility. The City of Chicago Department of Water Management has many trailer beds and a trailer with city worker’s cars parked. I never see any work getting done. This afternoon, the goons were enjoying opening City of Chicago Fire Hydrants full blast, wasting precious water. Mayor Daley will keep his friends doing nothing at this site. I think the Chicago Office of the Inspector General needs to look into this do nothing site. How does Tadin and the Department of Water Management seem to share the property? Mike has family on the Water Department payroll, so let’s start there. Photo by Patrick McDonough.