Michael Tadin's goons wasting Chicago taxpayer's water today!

Tadin at Chicago garbage plant 1.jpg Mayor Daley has helped many people become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. Today, my crew needed to load up on fuel. Tadin’s goons were moping around the 700 block of North Kilbourn in Chicago, Illinois. They were working at the Waste to Energy Facility. Tadin also had a pick-up truck, a second truck, and had a trailer parked on the facility. The City of Chicago Department of Water Management has many trailer beds and a trailer with city worker’s cars parked. I never see any work getting done. This afternoon, the goons were enjoying opening City of Chicago Fire Hydrants full blast, wasting precious water. Mayor Daley will keep his friends doing nothing at this site. I think the Chicago Office of the Inspector General needs to look into this do nothing site. How does Tadin and the Department of Water Management seem to share the property? Mike has family on the Water Department payroll, so let’s start there. Photo by Patrick McDonough.