Many people want to know how the City of Chicago and Plumber’s Local 130 dye the Chicago River Green. The newspapers call the mixture “Irish Fairy Dust”. I suppose that is not good news reporting. The Chicago Saint Patrick’s Day parade is a great parade and I have marched in everyone my entire life until I got hurt. Many of the guys that place the powder in the water have ended up with awesome jobs with the city. The secret powder is Uranine. Please see the picture of this powder. Uranine is also called “Irish Fairy Dust”. Most versions of this powder is about as safe as the Lead water pipes serving most of Chicago safe drinking water. The City Water Department supplied the powder with taxpayer money since the beginning of the tradition. I do not want this powder placed in the water any longer. But that is me. Remember, St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago is to celebrate the accomplishments of the Irish. It should not be a day to shame his name with excessive drinking. Happy St Patrick’s Day and God Bless all my Chicago Friends.