The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Program is under fire again as insiders game the system for their benefit. The City of Chicago, The Department of Water Management, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Alderman Burke, Illinois Lawyers have been fixing workers compensation cases for decades. One of the best tricks is the MMI maximum medical improvement doctors give to aid in the remove of employees and forcing settlements. The City of Chicago refuses to allow workers to return unless they receive a full Doctors release. The City of Chicago, under Alderman Burke’s direction, still allow major settlements for well-connected lawyers and employees that game the system year after year. Despite the major settlements, the City signs off on the loss of the person, quite opposite the full release. What? When you settle the Illinois Workers Compensation claim, you sign off the permanent loss. So, if you have a permanent loss, how can you return with no restrictions? The Illinois Lawyers have been working that angle for years and it is Insurance FRAUD. Alderman Burke takes hack Chicago law department lawyers off the cases and puts his private law firms to handle the cases for massive campaign contributions.
A major shuffle at the Chicago Committee on Finance will not save Crooked Burke. According to several Chicago Mayoral candidates, it will be an issue this next two years.
Please enjoy a lady I am going to write about and tell you about the criminal treatment she has received. Cynthia reported her poor treatment by Ed Vrdolyak and his workers’ compensation lawyer Mr. Casey. Mr. Casey seemed too busy to help Cynthia when she had a major stroke and was subject to abuses by the City of Chicago. When Mr. Casey was removed from her case, Mr. Casey went to the new Attorney to make sure he gets a cut “of the action”. This happened at the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission when the transition was made. Amazing what you see and “hear” in those hallways. Cases like these result in crippled workers getting less money and lawyers on both sides splitting the fees.
Alderman Burke has made a great life for him and his old lady, too bad he did so on the back of 65-year-old women, that just lost her husband, and got screwed out of her lawful benefits. Hey Alderman Burke, you keep the Chicago newspapers quiet about your lavish lifestyle, take a look at a lady whose life you have destroyed for greed.
Time to get my Irish Video hat on soon.