Don't Get Burned 12th Ward-Vote for Bocanegra

12th Ward Candidate.jpg
Today I had the pleasure of meeting a young man that is running for 12th Ward Alderman in Chicago. Politics in the 12th Ward include HDO, pro-Daley Mob Goons that will stop at nothing to take away freedom from our good hard working citizens. I like this campaign, Alberto Bocanegra is reform minded, and the best candidate for the job. Please see his web site, click here (under construction) Also you can call him at 1-773-981-5119. Chicago Employees, we will need our voices in the Chicago Council as the contracts are coming up for renewal. Not long ago the Bocanegra family’s garage was torched, a Mob tactic for sure. Chicago needs new leadership. Alberto insisted on a picture with his family, from left Sergio, Alberto, Jr. Elizabeth, and Alberto Sr. Time for some moral leadership in the 12th Ward and less Daley Mobsters. Photo by Patrick McDonough

8 Replies to “Don't Get Burned 12th Ward-Vote for Bocanegra”

  1. To the Boconegra family “truth crushed to the ground will rise” keep doing what you planned to bring new leadership to the 12th Ward. And Alberto I have watch you grow with your leadership in immigration you have taken a stand. And I know you can make a difference.

  2. Today December 30 someone sent a anoyomous letter to fill out which was a templet contract to withdrawl my candidacy and Cardenas goons came to my house asking to support Daley and Cardenas which I think is an insult to injury!

  3. Al,

    You have very stiff competition in your race. I hear Ms. Carina Sanchez is well known within community organizations and already has a positive rapport with other non-HDO elected officials. Hope you have at least $150K in the bank to give yourself a fighting chance. Just letting you hear what you probably don’t want to hear. But, nonetheless, good luck with your campaign.


    Simply an insightful observer

  4. Frank Coconate should have been in this picture also.Then for sure he would have something to cry about.

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