During the Chicago Blizzard of 2011, Chicago Firefighters were looking for Fire Hydrants in case of a fire. They were also digging them out of the snow drifts. Many of Chicago’s Fire Hydrants are frozen solid and do not work. I guess more people need to die before the problem is fixed. I am glad Daley is leaving, the next mayor of chicago has a mess. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Look closely at this sign with Mayor Daley's name, in the right bottom corner silly.
A complete and total nightmare in Chicago is the ongoing construction on Milwaukee Avenue from the six corners to Jefferson Park. I just noticed a new sign with Mayor Daley’s name. On the bottom right hand corner in hard to read print is “Federally Funded”. I thought we had it with Rod Blagojevich’s name on the toll way signs. If it is Federally Funded, why is Daley’s name on the sign? Is he trying to take credit for this hobo run project? Photo by Patrick McDonough
CBS2 Mai Martinez exposes potholes not fixed near a school
Thank you Mia, this is great reporting. Lets fix the holes in our steets now! Read extended entry. Gee, who made the excuse from the water department? Continue reading “CBS2 Mai Martinez exposes potholes not fixed near a school”