The Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Queen for 2018 in Mary Kate Manion. Mary Kate Manion is a Legislative Aide at the Chicago Committee on Finance. The Committee on Finance is run by Alderman Burke, a sleazy POS that makes more scams that Al Capone. Alderman Edward Burke made his old lady an Illinois Supreme Court Justice, so he gets away with all sorts of crap that would put most pols in jail for a long, long time.
Alderman Burke is part of the judge making for chicago and outlining areas. When Alderman Burke get free time from stealing he has had a great amount of input into picking the St. Pat’s Day Queen. Chicago Clout told you the system was rigged, and they took advantage of young ladies that thought their brains, good looks, and success meant something. Mary Kate Manion is part of a clout process that helped her get a job that protects Alderman Burke making a paltry $25,452.00 per year answering phones. (An all you can steal gig from no-bid city contractors). When you have a sleaze like Alderman Burke around, the results are always in question. Another clout award undeserved.
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Website “Lipstick on a pig”
Illinois Workers Compensation Commission revealed a new website, according to my friends at the OIEG and the DoIT Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology. After checking the website by Chicago Clout IT hackers, many of the website weaknesses have been exposed. Please make sure you completely check all the information to be correct before you go online. CAPCHA is not working correctly on the site and much of the information on the cases are incorrect. IWCC needs to make sure this data is updated and correct. Trial dates are wrong, current lawyers are wrong, time of court dates are wrong. What a mess.
Several new arbitrators have been names and have been appointed by governor Rauner. If you are an unconnected person and a democrat, you are screwed. Point blank. Most of the appointments are anti-labor lawyers. The main problem is the lack of experience in some instances. Let’s get the politics out of the workers Compensation system. Many injured workers are taking lousy settlements because they are so frustrated by the system.
The WCLA associated attorneys are really doing them a disservice. Many cases are going to be dragged on for years because lawyers do not want to present their cases to Rauner appointed arbitrators. The entire workers’ compensation is every bit as messed up as their website.
Welcome to the new corrupt IWCC in Cook County, Charles Watts, Steffen Ketki, Robert Luedke, Tiffany Nicole-Kay, Robert Harris, Thomas Cieko. Arbitrators are only 6 % black. I hope the Governor appoints more Hispanic, blacks to the Board. I know there is an abundance of Italians. Let’s pass the wealth around.