Rahm Emanuel needs to take responsibility for Frozen Fire Hydrants

Chicago Frozen hydrant jan 22, 2012 final on Chicago Clout Today, again, the Chicago Tribune reported in depth, the problems the Chicago Firefighters are having with frozen hydrants. Thank you to the Chicago Tribune for joining in the chorus, and bringing much needed attention to the impending doom. The Daley goons again left this major issue for Rahm Emanuel to deal with. Laying new water main and installing new fire hydrants is a start. Chicago Clout has championed this issue for many, many years. The Emanuel Administration and the Office of the Inspector General must work together to solve this major problem. Chicago Clout and several Chicago Plumbing Inspectors are willing to come forward to jump start a program that will save many lives. Several Chicago Inspectors and some State of Illinois inspectors are willing to move forward on this issue and give free inspections. On weekends, the City of Chicago only has one emergency hydrant truck up and running. It is located in the Central District. Several Caulkers and Plumbers are getting shortchanged on the overtime. The truck is citywide, but the overtime is not. Where is Local 130 Plumbers on this issue? Please save firefighters lives now. Give us a call Rahm, we have the solutions. Photo by Patrick McDonough

Chicago Firefighters dig out Fire Hydrants during Blizzard 2011

Chicago Firefighters dig out Hydrants 1 During the Chicago Blizzard of 2011, Chicago Firefighters were looking for Fire Hydrants in case of a fire. They were also digging them out of the snow drifts. Many of Chicago’s Fire Hydrants are frozen solid and do not work. I guess more people need to die before the problem is fixed. I am glad Daley is leaving, the next mayor of chicago has a mess. Photo by Patrick McDonough