Criminal Activity continues at City of Chicago Department of Water Management, Workers want new Watchdog

Chicago DOWM Watchdog 1.jpg A major copper theft was reported out of the City of Chicago Department of Water Management facilities located at 4900 West Sunnyside. Chicago Clout first reported this theft a couple of weeks ago. A pin point theft located $5000.00 dollars in copper used for water services for Chicago’s over taxed residents. For over a decade, I have reported rolls of copper walking out the door and into District Foreman’s side job trucks. Many City Workers were installing water services on the side stealing this valuable metal. In fact, the Office of the Inspector General looked the other way despite police knocking at the front door of crooks. One brash side job included a retire sewer foreman’s personal residence. Witnesses that were on the side job come forward and nothing was done. Pictures taken and sent to the Inspector General were round files. (For the record, The Vroustouris Days) The same Employees are still in the news and regulars for Workman’s Compensation Benefits. The fact the crooks knew exactly which trucks to break into is very telling. The fact that no pumps, tools, or other valuable items went missing is troubling. Not long ago, I was on the phone with Tom LaPorte, the spokesman for the DOWM, he knew nothing about these thefts. I also asked if it was true that Dwayne Hightower busted two high power political laborers staying at home during the workday. Tom Laporte again knew nothing. He said he will look into these allegations. Many City of Chicago Laborers want to know why some 1092 laborers get to take pickup trucks despite the fact they lack the seniority. Some laborers complained laborer sub Forman are paid to run crews but drive the pick-up trucks instead. None of these laborers are subject to random drug testing despite a liability issue, the city waits until they run over someone. Our greatest concern right now is the lack of competent Management at the North District, the lack of non-union management is causing many problems. There is no General Superintendent to oversee Union Employees with political ties. The Inspector General needs to do something now. It is time to fire the folks running the circus. Rahm Emanuel, do the job you were hired to do. Photo by Patrick McDonough

Millions of dollars are sent to suburban contractors by Daley. Chicago unemployment at all time high.

Moore Landscapes Northbrook.jpg Not a day goes by when another Chicago Taxpayer faces unemployment. Anyone upset by the loss of their job should watch Moore Landscapes of Northbrook spruce up the landscaping for his majesty King Rich Daley, Mayor of Chicago. While Chicago Taxpayers feed the meters, this contractor has special passes issued by Daley to avoid feeding the meters. In fact, I noticed this contractor illegally parked at Chicago City Hall. I asked the lady from Revenue if she is going to give them a ticket. She ran away and than Chicago Police asked me why I was allegedly harassing the ticket lady. The police officer was very polite and I explained the truck was illegally parked and I asked her if she would write Moore a ticket. I explained the revenue lady raced around city hall on the south side of the street writing tickets to everyone but this contractor. The Police officer said the Revenue lady has the option to write a ticket or not write a ticket. “It is at her discretion”. So the next time you get a ticket for anything in Chicago, challenge the ticket. Bring this picture to court. Photo by Patrick McDonough