City of Chicago Political hack, Chicago Department of Water Management Boss, and John Daley Goon, Tommie Talley, was under fire today at the Cook County Department of Transportation. These workers showed up at 6:30 a.m. to demand Tommie Talley’s immediate termination . Chicago Plumbers want to know how the Plumber’s Local 130 allowed this man a journeyman’s card despite never working a day as a plumber. According to a Local 130 Plumber, “You can buy a Plumber’s License in Chicago if you know Dan McLaughlin, James Sullivan, or Robert Ryan”. “It is great; you don’t need to know shit about Plumbing”. Tommie Talley was ordered to see the Office of the Inspector General after the “Hired Truck Scandal Broke and Mayor Daley ordered a phony investigation”. The Chicago Inspector General Alexander Vroustouris let many of Daley’s political hacks off the hook, the F.B.I let many of these goons off the hook, and continue to raid the taxpayers last few pennies. Please tell Todd Stroger to review the way Water Department Women were treated and given preferred positions thanks to Talley. Union Local 1092 black women were given inside office jobs despite possible Shakman Violations. We will “Rally to Fire Talley” no matter where the County hides him”, declared protesters today. Tally also allowed some workers paid lunch with clout. The next protests are scheduled downtown at the Cook County Building. Photo by Patrick McDonough]]> Continue reading “Chicago City Workers and Local 130 Plumbers protest Todd Stroger to fire Tommie Talley”
Cook County Board Candidates for President debate at Or Menorah in Chicago
The North Side of Chicago has very powerful voting bloc which includes the Jewish Community. After work today Chicago Resident Saul Charak invited me to visit Or Menorah. Temple Menorah, is the only Reform congregation in West Rogers Park. I really felt welcome as a guest and the members were friendly. Today was the Cook County Board Presidents Candidates forum. I was a little late because I am an employee of the City of Chicago that works the entire day despite this being a must show political event. Todd Stroger was very arm to me and we discussed a couple of matters, I missed Dorothy Brown and Toni Preckwinkle, and Terry O’Brien. I was very glad all these candidates showed up on behalf of Alderman Stone (50Th Chicago) and Ira Silverstein an Illinois State Senator featured on Chicago Clout not long ago. I also saw the Channel 5 News Team because Carol Marin was the Moderator. I hope all my friends take a close look at Judge Yehuda Lebovis, a recipient of the United States Inspector General Award. Any judge that gets a nod from the Inspector General is a friend of mine. Punch #192 to keep a good judge. Saul an Operating Engineer and 50Th ward political heavy weight has been friends with Judge Lebovits for almost two decades. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Mayor Daley fails the Chicago Department of Water Management
Why did the City of Chicago leak a story to the Chicago Tribune implying the impending sale of the Department of Water Management? Why would the Mayor deny the sale? After many decades of the Daley run Chicago Water Department, the cracks are showing, the gross incompetence and lack of professionalism is taking the toll of the Water Department. I will tell you why I think the story is a scam. The Department of Water Management was run into the ground for years. The Department is loaded with political hacks and deadbeats. The Department is a source of contracts for the Daley friend and family program. No legitimate company could take over the liability of the water mains and the decrepit condition of the valves and fire hydrants. A private company would have a difficult time absorbing all the pending lawsuits. A private company could not shield itself and make special insider deals with unions. A private company would not allow double dipping and payroll fraud. The Department of Water Management is too high profile and too closely watched. I think the public would benefit by the ability to personally sue any employee of the water department breaking the law. On a different note, make sure you take notice if Michael Scott. I guess he somehow ended up with a gun, it is reported he killed himself. I thought it against the law to own a handgun in Chicago. I also noticed Mayor Daley took the death in a very cold and callous manner, he showed no signs of remorse. I guess when his friend “Mike” killed himself, it was no big deal. In Chicago, it might be called business as usual. Logo edited by Patrick McDonough.