Very soon Mayor Lori Lightfoot will be asking the Chicago Taxpayers for a round of massive tax increases. I fought tooth and nail against Rahm Emanuel becoming a mayor of Chicago because I knew he had no intention of paying down the massive debt left by Mayor Daley. Daley not only left a debt but reduced the income stream.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot needs to address the past administration. Many of Emanuel’s old management teams are still refusing to budge. As a result, many needed changes are stifled. One of the greatest problems in Chicago is misusing taxpayer money and the lack of transparency. Many members of the Bill Daley campaign team jumped ship to Lightfoot and continue to control Chicago finances.
Contracts control the Chicago democrat machine. When Burke is jailed, another crook will replace him. Contracts in the Department of Water Management are automatically updated and have no checks and balances. Extras are almost guaranteed and that is where the payoffs start. Contractors working for Chicago know for a fact, their contracts will never be questioned. The only time they have heat is when they are going to be replaced. IF you wish to contract with the Department of Water Management you must pay off the high-ranking management team. You must pay off alderman and other political candidates you are told to pay off. The payoffs are gift cards, the new choice of doing business. Tickets to events, hotel rooms, travel, and cash are still the way to keep your contracts. The better you are at this game the quicker you get promoted.
How do people get away with this, in this day and age, well? Ask, Ralph Chiczewski, the useless safety cop at the Jardine Plant. It is not in anyone best interest to change things.
FOIA is Chicago taxpayers’ best friend. FOIA has been blocked by Ralph and paid off judges in Chicago. Unions do not want people to know what is going on in Chicago also.
Jobs are fixed, contracts and fixed, promotions are fixed.
The Eugene Sawyer Water Filtration Plant has been a hotbed of activity. The roofs are rotted, and contracts have been separated by different contractors. You think the entire job would have been given to one contractor for accountability, but that failed. The outside of the plant lies a massive money pit. Contractors have made hundreds of thousands repairing the mess. The vault keeps sinking and getting filled in. The City workers wanted to fix it. The taxpayers could have saved millions. Crews with nothing to do could be put to work, get the job done right. Instead, John Pope hired a clout heavy contractor and Julie Tomin approved. That is what happens when you hire people that have no idea what they are doing. Rumors are Commissioner “Coo Coo” Conner has bigger fish to fry.
The rumored contractor is Pan-Oceanic. After making piles of money making a mess with no safety protocols, they were hired to make another round of repairs. So here we go again, fuck up, move up. The next round of repairs for the same ditch could total over a million dollars.
OSHA opened the inspection under the National Emphasis Program for trenching and excavation, which was implemented in the 1980s. The company was placed in the Severe Violator Enforcement Program in January 2014 when it was issued four violations for failing to adhere to trenching standards. The company has contested those violations, which carried penalties of $105,600. Looks like nothing has changed.
Chicago Department of Water Management political hires cost taxpayers billions of dollars. There was a time when Chicago hired licensed legit contractors and there was a sense of purpose to make Chicago better. Now, it is how you can suck the last penny out of taxpayer’s hands. Phony minority companies thrive in Chicago on stupidity. Watch this contract close Lori Lightfoot. This is how the game is played. Let’s see if Ralph Chiczewski can claim “Homeland Security” to hide the contract and extras. Chicago is so broke, they can’t even pay their injured workers.