Sho enough, Mayor Lori Lightfoot orders da negroes out of the City of Chicago Department of Water Management at the 95th and Genoa Yard office. The vast majority of workers in the South District are a minority. So, locking them fools out is to be expected by the white overlords.
It was just in the Chicago Sun-Times, groups of blacks were at several parties and had no Covid-19 protection and no safe distancing. Some whites think just cause one negro acts out, all neggas act out.
Is John E. Gallagher the General Superintendent being a racist? Is John the new Paul Hansen? Just when you thought the Department of Water Management was going to make promotions clout free and let the hard-working blacks and Mexicans control their own destiny, this happens. Gallagher was just promoted, and his safety position was taken by his brother. The Gallagher family has been given many jobs because of Daley, Rahm Emanuel, and Leroy Lightfoot.
The public has a right to go to the bathrooms at this Chicago facility. No one can lock it up and have blacks and Mexicans go poo in the park. Making hard-working laborers go to the dirty bathrooms in the garage which is unsanitary.
The South District lacks the proper safety items to avoid COVID-19. Workers are not given enough proper PPE. Workers want Gloves and face masks.
Covid-19 has stricken many workers at 95th and Genoa but Commissioner “Cough Cough” Conner is refusing to identify those that could have been in contact with those that are positive.
Look just because a white boss thinks he knows he is better than dem niggas, he is worse. Put on your face mask and open dem doors.
We all know the South District has more clansmen per capita than any other district. Gallaher also allowed the entire district to a work stoppage just recently. More on that later. Please don’t pretend city of Chicago management likes black, they hate em.