Enjoy this story in a story http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/iteam&id=8178957 Plumbers Local 130 allows unlicensed Plumbing in Chicago again. Chuck Goudie caught this in news special he just released about Rahm Emanuel’s alleged budget cutting and Chicago employees. Caulkers make at least $91,500.00 with no special training except ringing on doors to elect Rahm Emanuel. In fact, Plumber’s Local 130 James Sullivan idly sits by while these workers get the supervisory promotions. Real Licensed Plumbers are supervised by laborers with no Plumbing Licenses. Makes you want to drink bottled water Chicago! Paul Hansen, the son of former Alderman Hansen, got a chilly reception when he was promoted to lead all the North side City Plumbers despite never obtaining a Plumber’s License. The Office of the Inspector General is busy chasing stories already printed by the Sun-Times to be pro-active in the Chicago drinking water crisis. When several licensed plumbers were asked about the promotion of Paul Hansen to order plumbers around, they said, “James Sullivan of the Plumbers Union needs to be put to pasture, in the old days they would rig the plumber’s test, now they don’t give a fuc#”. Patrick McDonough
The only reason Rahm Emanuel is Mayor of Chicago is the Chicago Plumber's Union.
Look at this picture very close. Just before Rahm Emanuel was made Mayor of Chicago, he looked into the face of arguably the most handsome plumber in America. If you look closely at this picture, you can see Tom McManus, a Local 130 goon, pulled Rahm Emanuel’s hand down to humble this guy and let him know who the real boss of Chicago is. Rahm Emanuel seems a little upset that this heifer has the balls to manhandle a former Obama Chief of Staff of the firkin United States of America. Rahm might have you thinking he is the Mayor of Chicago, but he is a pawn of the most political union in the country. Many folks in Chicago know if you want to become an elected Judge, get on the ballot, and win a judgeship, you better start snooping around the Plumber’s Union. Some folks say the fix is in and having a brilliant career in law is just not enough, they are correct. If you want to become a judge in Chicago, you will need to fork over tens of thousands of dollars for the ballot access and then for the ward bosses to make sure your name is on the palm cards. Judges are commodities, sold to the highest bidder. You need not look closer than Rahm Emanuel’s fraudulent residency to know who runs Chicago, it ain’t Rahm folks, and it ain’t Rahm. The Judges are just a bunch of pawns also, just doing as ordered. Welcome to Chicago Rahm, stand in line tough guy and do what you’re told. I know who runs Chicago and so do you. Photo of Tom McManus and Rahm Emanuel.
4228 North Hermitage Chicago, Rahm Emanuel's rental property
This is a picture of Rahm Emanuel’s property in Chicago. The address is 4228 North Hermitage. Jeffrey Joseph Black stands across the street from Rahm Emanuel’s rental property. Today, I prepared a long overdue story on clout and privilege in Chicago. Jeff was Emanuel Objector NO. 11. I, Patrick McDonough was Emanuel Objector NO. 007 in the Rahm Emanuel Board of Elections Hearing. I asked Jeff if he would allow me to video his interpretation of a story I kept for a long time. I am a licensed Plumber and evidence Rahm Emanuel produced during hearing opened a large can of worms for the mayoral candidate. I hope the Office of the Inspector General might take a second look at a Chicago Plumbing Inspector that squirmed off the hook in Operation Crooked Code. He worked under an indicted and convicted Plumbing Supervisor. I am not telling this story to pick on any one candidate; I will post another story on another candidate that is worse. I thank everyone for their assistance. I will have a video very soon. Photo by Patrick McDonough
The Paul Hansen Local130 OIG Promotion Video, Ya, It is all Rigged
Chicago Fires on the rise, Chicago Water Department responds in support.
Many people are not aware the City of Chicago, Department of Water Management responds to fires. Lately, the Department sends the Investigator crews. In the old days, the hydrant truck would respond. The Hydrant Truck will soon be working around the clock, seven days a week. If you have clout, this overtime is given to the same caulkers seven days a week. All members of this union pay very high dues. This overtime is not rotated because Plumber’s Local 130 does not represent its members. The same guys that get this plush overtime also take overtime year round. James Sullivan at the Plumber’s Local 130 should stop playing around with the politicians and take care of his members. What suggestions do you have to get the water department response truck to the site sooner? If we have no water at the site, more people will die. Photo by Patrick McDonough
Chicago Department of Water Management new educational classes
Please make sure you read attached memorandum from Commissioner John Spatz below. Today a memo came out from Commissioner John Spatz, Department of Water Management. The Plumber’s Union will provide Plumbers and Caulkers a class to learn how to work on valves. According to the memo, the department was notified today at 12:42 p.m. of the class. The Department sent out a memo immediately, and left some of the memos around the offices. This memo was not posted. The classes are tomorrow. I called Tom McManus of the Plumber’s Union and he said I am not allowed to attend. Seems these secret classes are only for people Plumber’s Local 130 approves. Despite the fact the memo is on Chicago stationary, only Local 130 members can attend. This is the second class Local 130 tried sneaking past workers at Chicago. That last time it was a locating class. These classes are kept quiet because they only want their friends to attend the classes; they want a leg up when the promotions arrive. Members of Local 1092 asked to attend the class and Tom McManus refused them entry. In Chicago, many of the valves are fixed by the Laborers because the Plumbers are too fat or lazy to enter the basin. Mayor Daley should be made aware the Chicago Department of Water Management workers still face discrimination, harassment, and shakman violations. All classes should be made available to all workers during city time. Not allowing non-union plumbers and caulkers this training is against the law. Tom McManus should work on all the employee grievances he has done nothing about for years. City workers know a scam when they see one. Ask Tom McManus why he is not doing his job; ask why you pay dues for nothing. Photo edited by Patrick McDonough.]]> Continue reading “Chicago Department of Water Management new educational classes”