Every morning I watch a Chicago High rise complex slowly destroyed. I kept taking pictures for quite some time as the building at 37th and the Dan Ryan Expressway is slowly hit again and again with the wrecking ball. These are very well built buildings, but if you really think Daley want Negroes on prime Chicago property, you need your head examined. The 11th Ward is becoming very prime property and white folk do not want to see Negroes around their million dollar homes near the slaughter houses in Bridgeport. The exception might be the low income housing at Wentworth Gardens. Many of the Negroes in that development I talked to told me there is an unwritten rule, “Do Not Cross Under the Railroad Tracks just west of the Wentworth Gardens”. “We stay here”, said another Negro. Maybe one day, Mayor Daley’s Bridgeport will start to respect Black Persons as equals. Patrick McDonough.