Special thanks to Attorney Larry Karchman for obtaining a settlement on behalf of City of Chicago Laborer Louis R. Ocasio’s family. You can google Mr. Ocasio’s story on chicagoclout.com. Chicago routinely attempts to return crippled workers just prior to settlements of their comp cases. In many cases, the workers just show up for work scared of their impending benefits being stopped. Many W/C lawyers are not informed by their clients. The City promised reform but Lori Lightfoot is now getting Alderman Burke’s slice of the pie.
Also, many W/C lawyers like the system because they make a killing when they settle the claim and get their share of unpaid medical. Many workers comp lawyers are not going to do anything until settlement day. They do not file 19B at IWCC because it pisses off corrupt arbitrators.
We at ChicagoClout have provided blankets, rent payments, water, food and other necessities for families that suffer after injuries working for Chicago. Alderman Burke will have many injured city workers at his court case to protest his scams at the Committee on Finance.
Special thanks to Larry Karchmar of Karchmar & Stone 111 West Washington Suite 1030 Chicago, Illinois 60602 RIP Louis. RIP.