In Illinois, any vehicle with damage exceeding $500.00 must be documented in a vehicle accident crash report. Ask anyone, they know a minor scratch on a door will exceed $500.00. Conner knew if he wrote the accident damage was over $1,000.00 all witnesses must be disclosed. The body shop must repaint the door, blend in the paint, and dispose of the waste in a legal manner. Look at your car insurance payments, that is why you pay so much.
So, was it a dereliction of duty, a complete folly of ignorance and incompetence, or a complete cover-up by the three highest-ranking officials at the Chicago Water Department when they “investigated Alfonzo “Randy” Conner II vehicle at the 31st Street Yacht club parking lot?
Time to exam the facts. As noted in the last article, Coo Coo Conner, Ralph “chicklets” Chiczewski, and Mzz. Hernandez-Tomin missed investigation 101. Witnesses are key to any matter. Just ask Congress in their phony Trump investigation witch-hunt, interview after interview to get to the truth. The DOWM exposed themselves to fraud by failing to release all documents in a legal FOIA request or even worse yet, engage in multiple fraudulent activities. Where are the witness statements? So, Ralph ranked up at the Chicago Police Department by failing to obtain evidence? Or is he kissing the rim?
Coo Coo Conner went to the Wentworth Police Station with Chicklets after the accident and the DOWM Management failed to provide G.P.S. of all the Commissioner’s afternoon and evening locations? Yes. This is City property and Lightfoot is allowing personal travel on the city dime? Yes.
The Police report stated Mr. Elliot was intoxicated and no Chicago Police Officer drove over to arrest him? The City of Chicago is on the hook for massive amounts of money if Conner’s accusations ever reach the light of day. I would like to ask Conner how did he determine Mr. Elliot was drunk? If Mr. Elliott was drunk as Conner alleged, why did he fail to have the police on the site of the accident? Conner failed to order a sobriety test and left Chicago taxpayers on the hook for possible injuries sustained by Mr. Elliott. Does Mr. Elliot deserve reputation sullied? Most importantly, why did Coo Coo Conner fail to a drug test? Was he afraid of the results? Did he want to hide all the various medications he is on? In another accident report filed by Mr. Elliot, the Chicago Police were ordered to amend the report on the orders of the Chicago Law Department. Since when are accident reports amended? To this day, Conner has failed to disclose his female passenger to the DOWM. The City of Chicago will pay for the errors and coverup of Ralph and Coo Coo Conner. Hernandez-Tomlin should have protected Chicago taxpayers by drug testing Conner. Hernandez-Tomlin cannot expect her clout heavy husband to cover-up for her tricks. She failed to report to the Mayor and Mayor’s Office.
According to the FOIA results, Ralph failed to take a written statement over the phone of Mr. Elliott. Hernandez-Tomlin failed to take a statement. The Law Department failed to take a statement. Despite all these illegal actions, Rahm Emanuel ordered the payments of money on the taxpayer dime to Mr. Elliott. Even with Conner’s actions towards Bribes Burke and Scary Austin, we should not allow a pass.
So, when will the Honorable Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Mayor of transparency and ethics, take these fools to task? So far, I am not impressed with Lori Lightfoot’s leadership in Chicago. If you do not have the moxie to rule Chicago, if you continue to allow Rahm to control Chicago, please step down. We all got fooled again.