Officer Ella French family’s suffering is only starting. Lori Lightfoot was seen laughing after the press conference to memorialize Ella French. What kind of idiot could possibly find humor in a CPD cop’s death. Lori Lightfoot will attempt to deny benefits to this family as she has stopped workers’ compensation benefits to other dead and injured city workers. Lori really went out of her way to attack whites and others to make a political gain. Everything with Lori is anti-white. Lori is going to activate the Klan in Chicago again.
I am sad for this family as they will soon see the cameras disappear and the benefits stopped. If you are a Chicago Police Officer, I suggest you leave. Thanks to Lori Lightfoot, the bad guys are emboldened. This is why it is Shitcago now. We will follow. up on the next round of suffering this family must go through.