Promise Made Promise Kept

I will be very happy to return to the studio to make videos of work conditions with Chicago City Workers. I will of-course hope our “Star” host Frank Avila will be available. To my many friends, I am sorry it has taken so long to get the ball rolling in the studio again, this campaign cycle exposed political cockroaches in every dark corner. ChicagoClout was on hand with 50 cans of RAID bug killer. I went through every can, but I hope you enjoy the Suburban and Chicago Political stories I will share. To all the future T.V. stars, including my firemen, sorry for the wait. Patrick McDonough

Progress Takes Time against Daley

Please read this article by a great Chicago Tribune writer. Many years ago people thought the effects of a few people were in vain. Please read this article:,1,6127289.story?coll=chi-news-hed Progress takes time because as I have years ago, a giant is asleep. Chicago Unions need to hustle in the right direction. They need to concentrate on the correct candidates and get out of bed with the wrong candidates. These victories must continue. Also many months ago, videos of the winning candidates were posted on this site. They were thanks to the Illinois Committee for Honest Government and, Avila Family, and I will have a few more posts with the election results of the campaigns I have worked on, most victorious. Patrick McDonough.

Vote April 17th, 2007 Everyone

I am happy another election cycle is almost over. The spin was every bit as good in the heart of Chicago to the many suburbs. All politics are the same, but, in the big city more money is spent. I wish the best of luck to everyone, winner or loser, you make America great. If more people participated we would have less suspicion and more honest government. The TIFs are indeed a major problem everyone will need to address sooner or later. Next week I will get back to what I do best. Patrick McDonough

Brian Burkross Des Plaines Political Gadfly

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Tonight I was invited to Des Plaines “Meet and Greet”, the second of it’s kind. (Patrice McDonough of the 6th ward had the first) I finally got to meet Brian Burkross, a political gadfly if ever I met one. His group had a nice event but I was hoping for debate on the issues. The event had a very small showing which might mean Brian is making more people mad if anything. This is my main problem with this group, it is a clique. The “reform group” was a bunch of people that are not really reforming anything but have some other agenda. I also believe this group is part of starting rumors for the press and not reform minded at all. If this group is going to make a dent in Des Plaines Politics they must have crystal clear direction and not take sides with any candidate. Photo by Patrick McDonough.

Illinois State Representative Rosemary Mulligan

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Rosemary Mulligan is pictured with Wayne, a political master of Des Plaines politics. Rosemary Mulligan is a treasured family friend of my mother Joan McDonough, a great writer of the Park Ridge Herald for a long time. Irish limericks, poems, quips, ect. Rosemary a classy leader and in office since 1992, is serving her 7th term. Photo by Patrick McDonough.

Happy Easter Chicagoland

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This is my son Patrick McDonough. I enjoyed my children today and enjoy challenging photography. This is Patrick running down a very steep hill. I hope everyone took the time to reflect just how important family is. Photo by Patrick McDonough.

Des Plaines Seniors Warn Patrice McDonough

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This lovely lady of 90 years went to Patrice McDonough’s “Meet and Greet”. She was picked up by Patrice on the way to the Des Plaines first of it’s kind open mike meeting. This lovely senior is also know as “Little Grandma”, and a famous resident. She warned Patrice, “Des Plaines has dirty Politics”, and “Be Careful”. Generations of hers live in this city. Well sure enough, calls were made to Patrice McDonough about her “High paid consultant”. Some jack donkey is writing the newspapers trying to take credit for Patti running the cleanest campaign ever. Remember everyone, If grandma gives you some advice, you had better listen. Well the mud slinging starts tomorrow. Also, yesterday, Des Plaines is trying to clean up it’s corruption as they fear Patrice might bring her husband’s hero, Patrick Fitzgerald in to look at Alderman Becker’s past deals. Patrick McDonough.